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Twenty-first Day.


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The angels announced the glad tidings of the birth of Christ to the shepherds, who heard the words and acted on them promptly and with joy, [pg 031] ignorant though they were. The promise of the coming of a Redeemer was clearly placed before their minds, so that they were as prepared for this startling announcement as if they had been waiting for it for many years. So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the Infant. How beautiful is Our Lord's attraction to the lowly, represented in the call of these poor men. Such are the men that the Babe called first. We should allow the glorious truths of the incarnation to sink deeply into our souls, that we may celebrate the month of the holy childhood with profit to ourselves and to the glory of God. We should be interested also in spreading the Gospel among Protestants and Jews, and by our lives lead bad Catholics back again to the Infant Babe. Lay people can sometimes do more good than they imagine, and in some cases even more than a priest, because their advice and good example may have an effect where a priest could not reach.


O most sweet Babe of Bethlehem! what praise, love, and thanks shall I return Thee for all Thy mercies? Let my body, soul, and all that is within me bless Thee eternally, and let heaven, earth, and all that is within them say Amen.

Our Monthly Devotions

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