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Mass in Commemoration of the Holy Infancy of Jesus Christ.


Table of Contents

Preparatory Prayer.

Deign, O almighty God, to give me the grace to remember, with devotion and love during the holy sacrifice, the sacred birth, the Passion and death of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. I offer to Thee, [pg 041] Thy divine Son by the hands of Mary, His Virgin Mother, to the honor of Thy holy name, and in grateful thanksgiving for the numberless graces and blessings which Thou hast bestowed upon Thy poor creature. I offer Him also for the joy of the heavenly court, as a victim of propitiation for my sins, for the living and the dead, and for my special intention, which, with all confidence, I recommend to Thee. Permit me to feel Thy sacred presence, to be immersed in Thy pure light, and to be comforted by it, so that I may always, but especially on this day, serve Thee faithfully, and bear the trials which Thou sendest me with love and courage. In consideration of the tears and the precious blood of Thy divine Son, by Whom I knock at the gates of Thy mercy and kindness, grant that all misfortunes of body and soul may be averted from me, through Christ Our Lord, Who is ever praised with Thee and the Holy Ghost, for all eternity. Amen.


O my God, I should be holy as Thou art holy, fountain of all sanctity; and still Thou seest in me nothing pure. I am full of iniquity. Have mercy on me, make manifest in me Thy mercy. I present to Thee, in sorrow and humility, the Infant Jesus as my intercessor. Look upon Him, O heavenly Father, the brightness of Thy own glory, now lying in a crib in a wretched stable. And from that lowly bed He raises up His little hands, begging for pardon, in order that we, His erring brothers and sisters, may be brought back to Thy paternal Heart, and to ward off the punishment which we so richly deserve. O divine Redeemer, [pg 042] despise not our confidence! Stretch out Thy almighty right hand and draw us forth from the floods of our sins, miseries, and iniquities, so that we may gratefully thank Thee and the Father for all eternity. Amen.


We render Thee, O loving Jesus, our everlasting thanksgiving for having descended from Thy unspeakable happiness in heaven to this miserable earth, where Thou dost wish to console Thy needy creatures and to teach us by Thy holy Gospel the way to heaven. Who would not approach Thee with confidence, when he sees Thee, the infinite God, wrapped in swaddling-clothes, resting on the bosom of the purest and tenderest of Mothers, with hands full of graces and a Heart full of love! Even though untold misery should overwhelm our hearts, and innumerable desires consume our souls, still we would take confidence from this kindness and love, and our souls would be filled with happiness and peace. Look upon me, then, O gracious Infant! and by that look of kindness may my intellect be enlightened to understand the divine truths; may my will be inflamed to fulfil Thy commands and inspirations, and my memory continually suggest Thy promises and Thy goodness. So that on the altar of my heart may be placed a triple sacrifice of faith, hope, and charity, and then I can claim from Thy majesty new graces and benedictions upon myself, upon those in whom I am interested, and upon all those on whom the light of the Gospel has not shone, that we may become vessels to Thy honor and love, and may praise Thy mercies for all eternity. Amen.

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As I kneel in spirit at the crib of Bethlehem, and see the divine Infant offering Himself to the heavenly Father for my sins, so I bring, as an offering with the priest, my poor heart which thirsts for Thee. Oh, that I could offer Thee as gifts many virtuous acts! but bowed down in the dust of my own nothingness, I cannot offer anything more than an empty, sorrowful heart. Look upon it with mercy, and send upon it the dew of Thy grace and love, which will quickly bear fruit of humility and meekness. Adorn my soul with the flowers of devotion, that my whole life may become a song of praise and petition for mercy. Amen.


Unfathomable, O Lord God, are the depths of Thy mysteries, and wonderful the inventions of Thy mercy. Faith teaches me that He Who is in the crib, and weeps and trembles, is the One Whose thunder rolls in the clouds, at the sound of Whose voice cherubim and seraphim veil their faces with their wings. What a manifestation of humility and love do I contemplate in this! Come, O Lord, with Thy all-conquering love, and enkindle my cold heart and the hearts of all careless Christians with the flames of love! Come to me in the fulness of Thy graces and blessings, and stir up my sluggish humor; enlighten all needy souls with the abundance of Thy eternal brightness, that we may now, and for all eternity, sing the angelic anthem: Holy, holy, holy, is Our God! Amen.

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The Secret.

O kind Father! in humility I beg of Thee, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, may our sacrifice and prayers please Thee. Bless me, bless those who are here present at this sacrifice, and bless also all who are needy and suffering. I pray Thee especially for the holy Catholic Church and her ministers, that Thou mayest keep them in peace and harmony; that Thou mayest protect and govern them, and mayest pour into their souls that peace which the divine Infant brought to this earth—Who alone is the cause of the happiness which we enjoy here below. I wish to join the angels in exclaiming, “Peace to my soul, peace to all men of good-will.”


Look down, O Lord God the Father! on this altar where Thy divine Son adores Thee as He did from the stable of Bethlehem, and offers Himself as a spotless lamb as He did on Calvary. We unite our prayers with His, and we beg of Thy unlimited mercy that Thou wouldst listen to the pleading of this divine Heart and of this precious blood, and grant us what is pleasing to Thee. Grant that we may grow in the odor of sanctity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and share with Him eternal happiness in heaven. Amen.

After The Consecration.

O divine Infant Jesus, give me the grace to realize the wonders of Thy holy love! In all humility I consecrate myself to Thee as a holocaust to Thy holy condescension. Oh, that I were able to [pg 045] adore Thee with that sincere and heartfelt devotion with which the holy Virgin, St. Joseph, the pious shepherds, the Magi, and all the fervent adorers of Thy divine infancy adored Thee. With all my soul I will love Thee. All the movements of my heart shall be directed towards Thee; my soul shall be Thy dwelling. With Thy grace I will fulfil all the duties of my state in life. Change this sinful man into a new being by Thy almighty love, by the same love with which Thou hast changed the bread and wine into Thy adorable body and blood. May Thy profound humility restrain the pride of my heart; may Thy wonderful purity transform me into a lily of purity for the heavenly garden, and Thy love guide me through the storms of this wretched life to the habitation of bliss: to Thy throne, where ever and ever springs forth life without end. Amen.

Commemoration Of The Dead.

Remember, also, O most merciful Jesus! all Thy servants who have departed this life, marked with the seal of faith and charity, and who sleep the sleep of peace. Let them all feel, according to their burning desire, the power of the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Open to them the gates of heaven, the abode of light and peace, that they may join the innumerable chorus of angels and saints, who praise and love Thee for all eternity. Amen.

Agnus Dei.

O immaculate Lamb of God, suffering all human tribulations! teach me to tear myself away from the affections of earthly things, which still keep [pg 046] me from adhering solely to Thee. O gracious Lamb of God, Who didst descend from heaven to bring grace and light into my needy soul! let the dew of Thy kindness descend upon this barren land of my heart, to enrich it with many virtues. O pure Lamb of God, Prince of peace and love! calm in my soul all disquiet, and let it be inflamed with the flames of Thy holy love, whence all my words and actions derive their merit. Amen.


O dearest Jesus, my Redeemer! from the stable of Bethlehem Thou callest to me, “Come to Me, all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you.”—Matt. xi. 28. Pressed and overwhelmed with many trials, my soul longs for Thee, and desires to partake of the heavenly banquet of Thy flesh and blood, and to be united to Thee most intimately. Come, O Lord, to comfort my languishing spirit! strengthen my weak resolutions; change my whole being into something more pleasing to Thee. What heart is not softened by Thy loving glance, and desires not to be one with Thee? Admit my heart to a union with Thine, that both may be consumed together. As dry wood easily takes fire from flames, so may my heart begin to burn brightly, and whatever is displeasing to Thee be consumed by Thy holy love. Let me find rest in the enjoyment of Thy divinity; and let me have no earthly attachments, so that when I shall be loosed from the ties of this world, I may fly to Thee, and rest in Thy bosom.

Soul of Christ, sanctify me:

Body of Christ, save me:

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Blood of Christ, inebriate me:

Water from the side of Christ, wash me.

Passion of Christ, strengthen me:

O good Jesus, hear me:

Within Thy wounds hide me:

Permit me not to be separated from Thee.

From the malignant enemy defend me:

In the hour of my death call me,

And bid me come to Thee,

That, with Thy saints, I may praise Thee

Forever and ever. Amen.


Accept, O Blessed Trinity! my grateful thanks for the graces which Thou hast poured upon my soul during this holy sacrifice, which I have attended in honor of the holy infancy. And then, O divine Infant! permit me to remain with Thee whilst I am engaged in the duties of my state in life. Make me ever mindful of that gratitude which I ought to have for Thy holy love; let me feel the truth of the words, “I have found Him Whom my soul loveth”; I will never be separated from Him. Amen.

Our Monthly Devotions

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