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Twenty-eighth Day.


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The obedience of Our Lord to His parents is an admirable lesson. Jesus Christ is obedient, and submits His infinite wisdom to the commands of human beings. Not only was He obedient to His heavenly Father even unto the death of the cross, but He exactly fulfilled all the requirements of the Fourth Commandment without a murmur, without deferring the execution of His parents' wishes to a time more suitable to Himself. St. Bernard says that he is obedient who fulfils a command without delay, and with a cheerful heart. Our Lord fulfilled this law so scrupulously because He wished to leave us an example. Remember the fact that the Boy Jesus was not only obedient to His heavenly Father, but also to His superiors according to the order of things. The Lord left, without delay, the performance of a holy action when He was called away from it. Our obedience to the Church and its lawful pastors is also an obligation devolving upon us. Children, obey your parents, servants, your masters, citizens, the State and all constituted public authority. Religious fulfil this law of obedience because they make a vow of obedience.

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O Orient brightness of eternal light, and Sun of righteousness! come and enlighten those that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death. Amen.

Our Monthly Devotions

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