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Twenty-fifth Day.


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Mary not only kept all these words in her heart, but she also meditated on them. In fact the meaning of the words, “kept in her heart,” is that they were ever fresh there; she kept the eyes of her soul on them, and thought of them; she was part of the workings of God's providence, and had no other thought than that the will of God should be done in all things, especially just now, in this instance of the childhood of Christ. Men and angels had brought her the testimony of their admiration of the [pg 035] wonderful works of God; and Mary was consoled and confirmed in her willingness to suffer everything for her divine Infant Son. To us also the meditation and the consideration of God's infinite goodness, and the facts of revelation, are the very centre-post around which the Christian life should move. Be not a passive Christian that is borne along in the crowd; go a little farther, and become an intelligent worshipper, who has reflected well on religious tenets, and to whom they have given a great deal of consolation and hope of future happiness.


O Adonai and leader of the house of Israel! Who didst appear to Moses in the fire of the flaming bush, and didst give him the Law of Sinai: come and save us with a stretched-forth arm. Amen.

Our Monthly Devotions

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