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Ninth Day.


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The Catholic Christian has the true faith which comes to him from Jesus Christ, the Founder of the true Church. He ought, then, to show by his conduct that his faith has made him better than so many others, who have not had the graces and advantages which came to him. In other words, it is not enough to believe the truths that God has revealed; it is not enough to belong to the true Church by the internal adhesion of the mind; it is indispensably necessary to manifest our faith in exterior works. Our faith should so have penetrated our whole being, that the profession of religion should show itself in all our actions. Faith without works is dead, and at the Last Judgment the almighty Judge will demand of us an account of all our actions, and then will He render to every one the merited reward or punishment. Let it be our aim in life to fill the days of our stay on earth with many good actions, the outcome of our faith, so that when we stand before the throne of God, we may have many glorious deeds to our credit.

[pg 079]


O most loving Jesus, etc., etc.

Our Monthly Devotions

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