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Seventeenth Day.


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In all your intercourse with others respect their persons and property; do not look for unjust gains; be faithful to your bargains and contracts; never look to your own selfish interests solely. Never speak ill of anybody, nor circulate detractions, nor reveal secrets and defects that might lessen the esteem in which any one is held; excuse the faults of others, and find some excuse for the intention with which even an evil action is committed. We are all temples of the Holy Ghost, sanctified and ennobled by the blood of Christ. We are the dwellings of the Holy Trinity, called to a heavenly inheritance. Do not desecrate this sacred temple by impurity; guard against impure thoughts and immodest desires, flee from dangerous occasions. Avoid foolishly pursuing the luxuries and vanities of the world, improper company, and bad conversation. Do not enter theatres or places of amusement where your morals are endangered, and from which you carry nothing but pictures of immoral objects. Arm yourself most effectually against the approach of evil by the powerful shield of prayer, and walk in the presence of God.


O most loving Jesus, etc., etc.

Our Monthly Devotions

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