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Twelfth Day.


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Confession is the correction of our faults, and if we have sinned let us remember we have an advocate in heaven, to Whom we wish to return in the sincerity of our hearts. The Holy Eucharist is the body and blood of Christ and communion the partaking of it.

We should not, therefore, be deterred from frequenting these sacraments by human considerations, or by the mockery of the people of this world. We should have these words of Christ deeply engraven in our hearts: “Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, you shall not have life in you.”—John vi. 54. A devout Catholic is [pg 081] easily distinguished from the crowd of careless ones, when we see him humbly and frequently going to confession and to holy communion.


O most loving Jesus, etc., etc.

Our Monthly Devotions

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