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Tenth Day.


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A Christian considers his faith as a gift of heaven, a priceless treasure far surpassing any earthly wealth, because it raises man to a true knowledge of God and secures for him his eternal salvation. He rejects with horror the maxims of our modern infidels, who say, “One religion is as good as another”; “Hell is only a bugbear”; “The faith of the heart is enough for salvation,” and many others of the same nature. He rejects them because he knows that God is one, that the truth that comes from God is one, and that therefore faith must be one, and religion one. He knows that religion cannot be framed according to the whims of man, but only can come from the authority of God in His holy revelation. He will not associate with those who hold the above false doctrines; he will be an enemy of bad books, which teach errors of faith and which drag those who read them into the mire of immorality, and he will caution his friends against them.


O most loving Jesus, etc., etc.

Our Monthly Devotions

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