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Fourteenth Day.


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The true Christian must not only profess the faith, but also the laws of Christ. He is [pg 082] anxious to observe them exactly and to observe them all, knowing that he is guilty of damnation who violates the law in one important point. This law bids us to love all men as fellow creatures, to love our relatives, our country, but above all, and before all, we must love God, the Author of our being, the great loving Father of heaven. The honor of God is the very first duty of man, who as a rational being knows God and His infinite goodness; we wish to serve Him as His subjects, render Him the homage due to His immensity, a worship which our infinite littleness renders to God. Never profane the word of God yourself, and prevent curses and oaths in others as far as possible. By acts of praise and benediction let us repair the offences against God when we cannot prevent them. At least pray for those who use the name of God in vain, and thus endeavor to ward off from them the eternal punishment due to that wicked practice.


O most loving Jesus, etc., etc.

Our Monthly Devotions

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