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Fifteenth Day.


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Contribute your share towards the glorification of the name of God, by observing the Sundays and festivals of the Church. God has expressly reserved these days to Himself, and has pointed them out by the authority of the Church. In the Old and in the New Law, God has had days of rest and of religious practices; and for the observances of these He has promised publicly that there should be many rewards. Every good, God-fearing man will give a [pg 083] just tribute of respect to God, because God wills it, and because he is looking for some benefit from God. Abstain then from servile works on those days, no matter what temporal gains may be expected, and be careful that others, too, keep holy the Sabbath of the Lord, particularly those who are intrusted to your care and command. Do not have work done on Sunday, and allow none to be done about your premises.


O most loving Jesus, etc., etc.

Our Monthly Devotions

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