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Twenty-first Day.


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The second duty of the husband and wife is conjugal love. The word conjugal means joined together, because husband and wife are united to bear the same burden. The Apostle says: “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ also loved the Church, and delivered Himself up for it.”—Ephes. v. 25. Husband and wife are individuals whom God has joined in inseparable companionship. The greatest bond between mankind, and the sweetest one, is conjugal love, of which we are thinking on this day consecrated to the Holy Family. Keep this great duty before your eyes and never forget it, for it is easily destroyed. It is from that love, too, that should spring your children, who are to grow up to take your place in the Church and the State. These children you are to bring up in the fear and love of God, faithful to the Church and their fatherland. A tremendous responsibility!


O most loving Jesus, etc., etc.

Our Monthly Devotions

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