Читать книгу Pricing Strategies for Small Business - Andrew Gregson - Страница 23

You hate your customers


Where price has been the sole focus of the company, it will attract only the most cost-conscious customers. These are the customers who want a discount on every item and ask for a discount even when the product is free. These are the customers who drive you crazy because they want a Cadillac job but only want to pay Pinto prices. These are the customers you hate to see coming through the door.

This type of company attracts only the price-conscious customers who do not really care about the quality of the job or the value the owner places on training employees, longevity in the business, or value-added features. You, as the business owner may care deeply about these features, but these customers place zero value on them.

What would your company be like if there was never any squabbling over prices and every customer beamed at you as they handed over a check? How would your staff react to being treated with respect for a job well done? What would the impact be on your reputation in the community?

Pricing Strategies for Small Business

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