Читать книгу The Mind-Body Cure - Bal Pawa - Страница 14

How Mindset Affects Our Health


I often use the analogy of modern-day computers to describe the mind-brain-body connection. I compare the mind to a programmer who builds a software program, the brain to the computer that runs the software program, and the body to the display screen or monitor on which the program is shown. As physicians, we often look just at the display screen when we measure symptoms (blood pressure, heart rate, gut function, or even blood tests). We often prescribe drugs or order tests based on what we find there (the physical symptoms) without really going deeper into which “program” that particular body is playing. If mindset is the software program being played by the computer, it often needs “upgrades and updates” and sometimes needs to be replaced completely. A new program results in a whole new set of information being displayed on the monitor. When it comes to the software program—our mindset—we have control over the version we choose.

The Mind-Body Cure

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