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Guidelines for Practising Yoga


You need very little equipment for your yoga practise so it is easy to fit in with any lifestyle. Once you have learnt your basic movements you can do them at home or on holiday. Your yoga will go with you wherever you go. Having said this, there are a few basic guidelines that you should take note of before you start.

• You need a warm airy room if you are practising inside, but in warmer climates it is wonderful to do your yoga in the fresh air in the warmth of the early morning or evening. Never practise in the heat of direct sun.

• You need a mat or blanket to sit on. My preference is for a blanket or thick warm mat for internal practice. However, if you are practising yoga outside, perhaps on a beach, you need a waterproof mat to keep you clean and dry.

• Wear loose clothing, ideally a leotard and leggings for women, or leggings and a close fitting t-shirt. Jogging bottoms or shorts and a t-shirt are best for men. If you are outdoors in a warm climate, your swimsuit is just fine.

• Bare feet are essential for yoga practice.

• Always wait at least two hours after a main meal before you practise yoga.

• The golden rule of yoga is never ever to strain. Don’t worry if you are stiff and uncoordinated to start with. This is quite normal. Just persevere, work at your own pace and you will be delighted at how quickly your body responds to the movements and how much more flexible you are after only a few weeks of practise. You will start to feel better almost immediately and will soon be delighted with your new svelte shape.

• Although yoga is for everyone, if you have any health concerns it is always wise to check with your doctor before you begin.

• Never substitute yoga for your doctor’s treatment. Yoga is good for your health and some movements are particularly beneficial for certain conditions. However, they must never be substituted for your doctor’s treatment.

• Yoga and pregnancy. If you are pregnant and have not done any yoga before, then please wait until after your check-up at about 15 weeks. If everything is OK and your doctor is happy, then you may start to practise yoga very gently, omitting the movements marked unsuitable for pregnancy. (For more on this, see here).

• Following the baby’s birth. Wait until after your six-week check-up before you recommence your yoga practice. If your doctor is happy for you to recommence your yoga practice, then inform your teacher of the nature of your delivery. Go gently and soon you will find your shape and energy coming back fast.

• Breathing. In yoga, we breathe deeply with every movement to help to stimulate oxygen to every cell, and energize our entire systems. Breathing is done through the nose. As a general rule, gently allow your abdominals to push out as you inhale deeply through the nose at the start of a posture and exhale slowly and quietly through the nose as you go into the movement. While in the positions, breathe calmly and peacefully through the nose.

10-Minute Yoga Workouts: Power Tone Your Body From Top To Toe

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