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I’ll never forget my first yoga class. It was one grey dreary Monday morning that I ventured inside a hall on the outskirts of Glasgow, and enrolled for yoga lessons. At that time I felt tired, stiff, out of shape and frazzled, due to having just moved house with two children under the age of 3. I had only a vague idea about yoga but thought that it might help me reshape my body after the birth of my children, and also help me to get to know my new neighbours.

It was an incredibly humbling experience, I couldn’t believe how stiff and uncoordinated I was, I was only 29 but people twice my age were in much better shape and much more flexible than me. My biggest shock was seeing my teacher, then in her late fifties, move effortlessly into seemingly impossible positions with the agility of a child. Her body was fantastic – she was slim and perfectly toned – but it wasn’t just this that amazed me; it was something much, much more. She had an energy that literally radiated from her, lighting up the room.

I left the class feeling so much better, my tiredness had gone, I felt calmer and more in control. I was walking taller and felt uplifted by the experience. One thing was certain – yoga was definitely for me. As I continued with the classes, I was thrilled by the progress I was making, my body had become firmer, my flexibility had improved and my energy level was getting better and better.

Eventually I decided to take a three-year teacher training course and this gave me a fantastic understanding of yoga, its history, philosophy and many uses. Over the years I have continued to study and teach yoga at my yoga school in Surrey and I have taught literally thousands of pupils. I have now perfected my own method of teaching which, I feel relates this brilliant 5,000-year-old system to the needs of people living today.

I am delighted to have this wonderful opportunity of sharing it with you. I do hope you will enjoy it and will benefit tremendously from its age-old secrets.

10-Minute Yoga Workouts: Power Tone Your Body From Top To Toe

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