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Opening application menus on the dock


Single-clicking an application icon on the dock launches that application — or, if the application is already open, switches you to that application and brings forward all open windows in that application.

But some application icons on the dock — such as Calendar, Safari, and Music — also hide menus containing some handy commands. (Folder icons in the dock have a different but no less handy menu, which I discuss in a moment.)

You can make menus for applications on the dock appear in two ways:

 Press and continue to hold down the mouse button.

 Right-click or Control-click.

If you use a trackpad or a Magic Mouse, a two-finger tap should do the trick. (If it doesn’t do the trick, check out the Mouse and Trackpad System Preferences sections in Chapter 6.)

Do any of the preceding and you’ll see a menu for that dock icon, as shown in Figure 3-2 for the App Store icon.

FIGURE 3-2: The Options submenu for an application icon (Mac App Store) on the dock.

The Options submenu offers three choices:

 Keep in (or Remove from) Dock: Adds the application's icon to the dock (or removes it from the dock), waiting until after you quit the application if it’s running.

 Open at Login: Launches this application automatically every time you log in to this user account. This is handy for apps you want to keep running all the time, such as Mail or Safari.

 Show in Finder: Opens the enclosing folder (in this instance, that would be the Applications folder) and selects the application’s icon.

The other options in the menu follow:

 Show Recents (if available): Displays recently used windows for this app if there are any.

 Open/Quit: Opens the app, or quits the app if it’s already open.

So there you have it: The default Options menu for applications, which is what you’ll see for most applications when they aren’t open.

One last thing: When you right-click/Control-click the dock icon for an application that’s currently running (look for the little dot below its icon), you may see different menus, like the ones shown in Figure 3-3 (clockwise from top left: Safari, Preview, System Preferences, TextEdit, and Music).

FIGURE 3-3: Press and hold down or right-click/Control-click an open application’s dock icon, and menus such as these appear.

As you can see, some open applications provide useful program-specific commands or options.

Music has one of my favorite dock menus, letting me control my music from the dock with options such as Play/Pause, Next or Previous Track, Repeat, and Shuffle.

Other programs, including Preview and Safari in Figure 3-3, offer you a list of open windows with a check mark to indicate the active window or diamonds (as shown) to indicate windows minimized to the dock.

Finally, the items above the list of open windows for TextEdit are recently used documents.

macOS Monterey For Dummies

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