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I don’t know about you, but I like plans. I really like plans. I like goals and being productive. I like to know where I’m going and how long it will take to get there. The bliss of a carefully thought-out plan is something insanely satisfying to me.

One pitfall for being wired this way is that, at times, I love my plan more than I love the goal. That’s a problem because sometimes along the way to your goal, you’ll need to change lanes.

As we are traveling toward our glorious destination, the route we take to get there may turn out to be different than we expected. That’s okay. Life is full of twists and turns that take us exactly where we need to be, when we need to get there.

I’ve learned to try not to cling too tightly to the plan but to still hang on to the goal. Clinging to the plan as though it’s the only lifeline to achieving the goal can have dire consequences. We can get so caught up in working the plan that we fail to see the need for change or we don’t consider that an unexpected opportunity could be instrumental in reaching the destination.

At the root of this planning desire is my need to feel in control, and more specifically, the need to control the unknown.

Sooner or later, we all realize we can’t control everything or everyone. Loosening the reins a bit will allow space in the plan for unexpected divinity.

Make a plan, but let the road take you where it leads.

Girl Be Brave

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