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Actions are what separate those who live a life of purpose from those who sit it out, wondering why they never found fulfillment. So many wonderful people with amazing gifts and ideas never act on them. Those gifts go unexpressed.

There is no “someday” when it comes to action. Why not now? Why not start today? You don’t have to wait until everything is perfect; it never will be. Do something now that will set you on your course. It doesn’t matter how small the step is. A person can cover a lot of ground putting one foot in front of the other.

The first step can be the hardest. It’s the leaping off from a place of security into the unknown that makes us hesitate, but you’re stronger than you know. You can take this first step.

Momentum joins us when we take action. Opportunities begin to present themselves. I believe opportunities come to people who are already walking toward their goals. This momentum is a game changer because it multiplies your efforts. It’s similar to a stone rolling downhill. Once it starts, it keeps going without relying on the efforts of the stone alone.

Think about the kind of world we would live in if everyone were acting on their God-given gifts and rising up to take action on the ideas they have in their hearts.

Girl Be Brave

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