Читать книгу Girl Be Brave - Cheryl Hale - Страница 11

day 3 conformity IS NOT NECESSARY


We live in a world that constantly pressures us into conforming to someone else’s idea of who we’re supposed to be. It’s chronic fatigue for the identity.

Everywhere you turn, you’ll find messages trying to convince you that your version of you just isn’t right. Too skinny, too fat, too loud, too shy. . . .

The culprit isn’t just pop culture and the degradation of society as a whole, it’s something much closer.

Sometimes the pressure comes from a working mom reassuring herself and the decisions she’s made by judging the stay-at-home mom or the stay-at-home mom belittling the working mother’s choices. As women, we can be each other’s worst enemy.

It doesn’t have to be this way. People should cheer each other on, not participate in the world’s mass push to turn us into online avatars. You haven’t come this far in life by being somebody else. All your achievements, happy moments, and loving relationships are a byproduct of who YOU are. If you were to succumb to the pressure to conform, you would miss out on the awesome identity God has given you. He made you the you that you are because he knew what it would take to get you there. If he wanted you to be like Sally, he would have made you like her with all her desires and talents.

But in his infinite wisdom he knew the world would need someone like you with all of your unique ideas and abilities.

Girl Be Brave

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