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I’ve never met anyone who accomplished anything worthwhile who didn’t encounter some resistance along the way. It’s inevitable.

Any noteworthy endeavor you set out to achieve is going to hit a few bumps. Nothing seems to go completely as planned, and you’ll find yourself dealing with problems you didn’t know you had.

That’s okay. Don’t be derailed by it. It’s part of the process.

The old saying is true: It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.

If accomplishing big things were easy, everyone would do it. It seems as though we’ve become convinced the easy path is the right path.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Not everything you are called to do will be easy. In fact, taking the right path is often harder. But don’t worry, you can do hard things. It’s a lie to believe you can’t.

For me, being a wife and mother are a huge part of my purpose, but it certainly has not been the easiest task. With all the uncertainty of raising my children and building my marriage, it is by doing these acts that I have grown the most. Yes, some days (and years!) were hard, and at times, I felt like I wasn’t enough, but I grew in those days. I became stronger and more confident. I learned more about myself through those holy callings.

That’s a mighty task, but you’re capable.

Girl Be Brave

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