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The main taxi companies in Paris are Les Taxis bleus, Alphataxi and G7. A French taxi is available for hire when the taxi sign is lit up in white or green. If a taxi is occupied, the sign is switched off or lit up in red.

la station de taxis la sta-syoñ duh tak-seetaxi rank

I want a taxiJe voudrais un taxi zhuh voo-dreh uñ tak-see
Where can I get a taxi?Où est-ce que je peux prendre un taxi? oo es kuh zhuh puh prahñdr uñ tak-see?
Could you order me a taxi?Pouvez-vous m’appeler un taxi? poo-vay voo ma-play uñ tak-see?
How much is it going to cost to go to…?Combien ça va coûter pour aller à/au (etc.)…? koñ-byañ sa va koo-tay poor a-lay a/oh…?
to the town centreau centre-ville oh sahñtr-veel
to the stationà la gare a la gar
to the airportà l’aéroport a la-ay-ro-por
to this addressà cette adresse a set a-dres
Keep the changeGardez la monnaie gar-day la mo-neh
Sorry, I don’t have any changeJe suis désolé(e), je n’ai pas de monnaie zhuh swee day-zo-lay, zhuh nay pa duh mo-neh
Is it far?C’est loin? say lwañ?
Collins Gem

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