Читать книгу Collins Gem - Collins Dictionaries - Страница 36



ordures or-dewrrubbish
eau potable oh po-tabldrinking water
bloc sanitaire blok sa-nee-tehrwashing facilities

Is there a restaurant on the campsite?Y a-t-il un restaurant dans le camping? ee a-teel uñ re-sto-rahñ dahñ luh kahñ-peeng?
Do you have any vacancies?Vous avez des emplacements de libres? Voo za-vay day zahñ-plas-mahñ duh leebr?
Are there any toilets for disabled people?Est-ce qu’il y a des toilettes pour handicapés? es keel ya day twa-let poorahñ-dee-ka-pay
Does the price include…?Est-ce que le prix comprend…? es kuh luh pree koñ-prahñ…?
hot waterl’eau chaude loh shohd
electricityl’électricité lay-lek-tree-see-tay
We’d like to stay for … nightsNous voudrions rester … nuits noo voo-dree-yoñ res-tay … nwee
How much is it per night…?C’est combien la nuit…? say koñ-byañ la nwee…?
for a tentpour une tente poor ewn tahñt
for a caravanpour une caravane poor ewn ka-ra-van
Collins Gem

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