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Boat and ferry

When is the next boat/ferry to…?À quelle heure part le prochain bateau/ferry pour…? a kel ur par luh pro-shañ ba-toh/feh-ree poor…?
Have you a timetable?Vous avez un horaire? voo za-vay uñ noh-rehr?
Is there a car ferry to…?Est-ce qu’il y a un car ferry pour…? es keel ya uñ car feh-ree poor…?
How much is…?C’est combien…? seh koñ-byañ…?
a singleun aller simple uñ na-lay sañpl
a returnun aller-retour uñ na-lay-ruh-toor
How much is it for a car and … people?C’est combien pour une voiture et … personnes? say koñ-byañ poor ewn vwa-tewr ay … pehr-son?
How long does the crossing take?La traversée dure combien de temps? la tra-vehr-say dewr koñ-byañ duh tahñ?
Where does the boat leave from?D’où part le bateau? doo par luh ba-toh?
When is the first/last boat?Quand part le premier/dernier bateau? kahñ par luh pruh-myay/dehr-nyay ba-toh?
What time do we get to…?On arrive à quelle heure à…? on a-reev a kel ur a…?
Is there somewhere to eat on the boat?Est-ce qu’on peut manger sur le bateau? es koñ puh mahñ-zhay sewr luh ba-toh?
Collins Gem

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