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Dai Manuel’s Whole Life Fitness Manifesto

in my life. At that moment, I experienced an epiphany: I really didn’t like where my life was going.

I knew that deep down, I enjoyed life. At least, I had enjoyed it before, and I wanted to enjoy it again. I faced a simple choice: to remain this way forever, or to do something about it. So I picked myself up and deliberately shifted my poor me atti-tude. In that moment, I recalibrated my motivation. I reasoned my way to a decision. And then I made a change.

I hit the library and pored over books on health, nutrition and fitness. (Yes, I did all of this pre-Google!) I started eating a little less and moving a little more. I started slowly with walking daily, then mountain biking. I strapped on my cassette player (yes I’m dating myself here), with a tape playing on endless loop (A side to B side to A and so on), I’d ride until I had exhausted both the tape and myself. Only then would I would ride home.

I added more and more daily activity incrementally, eventually joining a gym. Over 14 months, I was transformed. This time, adolescence itself was on my side as I shot up to over 185 cm (6 ft 1 in)—a growth spurt that doubtlessly helped to burn some calories! My weight didn’t change that much, but I saw body fat melt away as new lean muscle mass appeared. Now, with a better understanding of the science and biology of health, I know that my physical changes came from a combination of cardiovascular and resistance training. I strengthened my body, increasing my lean muscle, which cranked up my metabolism (my body’s natural furnace). I felt stronger, healthier and more confident in my abilities to tackle whatever physical obstacles stood in my way. Rather than saying no to pool parties and gym class, I started asking people to join me in activities. I felt good. I was alive.

I’ve never gone back to that state of obesity, but I don’t forget what it was like. This helps me to relate to my clients who face weight challenges. I know how it feels when people stare at you. I know what it’s like to be out of breath from climbing a flight of stairs, or to have dif-ficulty with something as simple as tying your shoes. When you’re struggling physically, some-times it’s the little things that seem the hardest to do. If this describes you right now, I want you to know that you’re not alone, and that it doesn’t have to stay this way.

I understand what it’slike to struggle withexcess weight becauseI’ve been there myself.

Dai Manuel's Whole Life Fitness Manifesto

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