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discover your personal why

is about feeling good, being able to function and move about freely, to play with my kids, and feeling able to try a new sport or activity without worrying that I’ll injure myself. I like the idea of being able to say yes to anything physical, knowing that I’m not limited by my state of health or fitness.

If you’re really struggling to find your why, try to embrace the process of discovery. Start by analysing your current fitness habits and your general approach to your health. Where can you make a small but sustainable shift? How much water are you drinking per day? Are you getting enough sleep at night? How much time do you spend moving your body each day? Do you exercise at all? Do you play any sports? What do you typically eat? It’s all about making little, everyday choices that will improve your health.

If you’re feeling beaten down by your current lifestyle, start to feed your brain with positive messages, wherever you find them. It’s amazing how often someone else’s idea, passion or vision can trigger a feeling or impulse inside you. If you’re inspired by an event or activity that you read or hear about, go try it! You might surprise yourself, finding that what was once unfamiliar and difficult becomes something that you really love! Start walking a little. It doesn’t have to be very much, just something. Get off the couch, walk around the block. Do it today, not tomorrow!

I know that when it comes to health and fitness, it can be scary to try something new. I’ve seen many people become so used to being overweight or out of shape that they can’t imagine any other way of being. Some folks have lived longer in an unhealthy state than they ever did in a healthy one, so they forget what it’s like to feel good. But you have to remember: Just because this is how it is now, doesn’t mean it has to stay this way. Change is possible. In fact, when you connect with your why and commit to following through, I can promise you that change is inevitable.

This applies to all your goals, not just around physical fitness. Whatever is spur-ring you on, dream big! When I talk to new clients, I always ask them two questions:

What do you want to do?

Is that all?

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It All Adds Up!

Remember that seemingly harm-less choices can have a nega-tive impact. Just think of your morning coffee. One teaspoon of sugar and cream repre-sents about 75 calories; in the course of a year, you’re looking at an additional 27,375 calo-ries. That’s the equivalent of 8 pounds of body weight! And one daily glass of wine—around 150 empty calories—trans-lates to anywhere between 8 to 14 pounds of weight.

Dai Manuel's Whole Life Fitness Manifesto

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