Читать книгу When You Think You're Not Enough - Daphne Rose Kingma - Страница 16



Were you neglected, in terms of your physical, emotional, or spiritual care? Was your most significant relationship with the television set? Your best friend's parents? Drugs or alcohol? Was one of your parents an alcoholic? Did you live in a pig sty? Did your parents fail to teach you the basics of self-care, how to wash your face and brush your teeth and comb your hair?

If you were neglected, you tend to feel unworthy of the good things life has to offer and you tend to neglect yourself in the same way you were neglected early on. If you were left with the TV as a baby-sitter, never talked to by your parents, or not provided with the basic necessities, you probably don't know how to bring nourishing experiences into your life to sustain or inspire you. You neglect yourself.

You feel bad that you can't seem to buy the new coat, get yourself to the gym, stimulate your intelligence with good films or books, or find friends who will talk about the things that are important to you—and, most likely, you also beat yourself up for not giving yourself more or better attention.

When You Think You're Not Enough

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