Читать книгу When You Think You're Not Enough - Daphne Rose Kingma - Страница 17



Were you abandoned? Did one of your parents die? Was one of your parents away for a very long time during your childhood? Did one or both of your parents work so much that you hardly ever had any time to spend with them? Did your father disappear after your parents' divorce? Your mother? Were you emotionally abandoned? Did no one ever listen to or care about your feelings?

If you were abandoned, you tend to abandon yourself— that is, not stick up for yourself or be an ally to yourself in situations where you should clearly speak or act out on your own behalf. You probably also find yourself in situations where you are abandoned—your friends go off on a trip without you, you marry a workaholic who never comes home, your best friend moves across the country and then never writes or calls.

In general, you tend to be in relationships where people, for one reason or another, aren't able to be by your side or won't be loyal to you; and you very likely think that somehow this is your fault.

When You Think You're Not Enough

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