Читать книгу When You Think You're Not Enough - Daphne Rose Kingma - Страница 19



Were you rejected? Did one of your parents wish you'd never been born? Did they wish you were a boy instead of a girl, or vice versa? Did you play second fiddle to another child in your family? A pack of siblings? A favored brother or sister? A twin? Were you in general ignored? Treated as if you didn't exist?

If you were rejected, you are likely to be self-rejecting, good at finding fault with yourself, and unconsciously seeking out experiences where you are not chosen or valued. You blame yourself for being in these situations but continue to find yourself drifting toward them anyway. Being left out and not being valued are familiar to you, and you tend to think this is all you deserve.

You very likely believe there's something about you which is the real reason you didn't get invited to the party—you're too loud or too shy—and why you aren't accepted by the group of friends you'd like to be a part of. You have difficulty feeling valued, feeling that you deserve to belong.

When You Think You're Not Enough

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