Читать книгу When You Think You're Not Enough - Daphne Rose Kingma - Страница 18



Were you sexually or physically abused? Molested? Beaten? Were you verbally abused? Criticized, put down, made fun of? Were you emotionally abused? Were the nature, depth, and truth of your feelings ignored or denied? Were you called “too sensitive”? Were one or both of your parents narcissistic, that is, so impressed and involved with themselves that they took all the emotional attention, and gave none to you? Were you spiritually abused? In other words, do you have some special gift, intuition, or insight that was ignored or denigrated by your parents or siblings?

If you were abused emotionally, you tend to pick on yourself, be critical of yourself, put yourself down, and not feel that you deserve love, consideration, or care from others. You allow yourself to be treated poorly emotionally by others—let them run over your feelings, be hysterical in your presence, or critical of you; and you probably beat yourself up for allowing this to happen.

If you were physically or sexually abused you very likely perpetuate this abuse by not being kind to your body, not feeding it well, being overweight, having addictions that are physically destructive, or forming relationships with abusive people. You likely also blame yourself for not being able to find better situations and for once again allowing yourself to be treated so badly.

When You Think You're Not Enough

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