Читать книгу When You Think You're Not Enough - Daphne Rose Kingma - Страница 21



Were you deprived? Did you grow up in poverty? Do without the basic necessities of life? Were you deprived of physical or emotional contact with one or both of your parents or siblings due to difficult circumstances? Did you grow up in a foster home? Were you emotionally deprived? Was your mother too busy or drunk or exhausted to give you any attention? Your father too busy reading the paper to ever talk to you?

If your life theme is deprivation, you tend to shortchange yourself. You “do without,” and feel that this is enough for you, that you don't deserve more, or better, while at the same time judging and criticizing yourself for not being able to improve your situation.

You may keep to yourself, not allowing yourself to receive from others, and then feel the reason you don't is that somehow you don't deserve it. You feel that you should provide better things for yourself while at the same time blaming yourself for not doing just that.

When You Think You're Not Enough

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