Читать книгу The Amazing A-Z of Resilience - David Gumbrell - Страница 12


‘To love them, to love them not’ – daisies are often found on lawns, school fields and grassy verges. These simple, white-petalled flowers are both intriguing and everywhere!

What’s your longest daisy chain, in one long, flowing line?

Also, do you know which famous girl, known for her adventures with a clock-watching rabbit, loved to make these natural necklaces and bracelets?

It was Alice, in her Adventures in Wonderland, who was known to like creating daisy chains. Even before her adventures with the White Rabbit began, she was thinking whether ‘the pleasure of making a daisy chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies’.

Whilst she considers this, she is distracted when ‘a White Rabbit ran close by her’. It is her decision to follow the rabbit and so we can assume that the daisy chain never even got started!

The Amazing A-Z of Resilience

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