Читать книгу The Amazing A-Z of Resilience - David Gumbrell - Страница 15


If you are feeling like this, then you may just need some time to remind yourself of all the good things that you have in your life (the sweet treats inside of you). This can balance out the things that are not going so well (the ones that make you feel hollow). Sometimes it is easy to think of all the bad things that are happening and so we need to tell ourselves to concentrate on the good things.

Why Not Try This?

Find yourself a small plastic toy egg (the ones found in a popular chocolate treat).

Cut yourself five strips of kitchen foil and use a marker pen to write five things that are going well for you on them.

Fold each strip and keep them in your egg as a reminder. Wrap the whole thing in foil to keep it safe (and to make it look like an Easter egg, of course)!

The Amazing A-Z of Resilience

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