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Make It Easy on Yourself
ОглавлениеFor some of us, the idea of lifestyle adjustment and ‘being healthy’ conjures up images of restricted eating and exhausting and unsustainable exercise regimes. Relax: the recommendations in this book are not of that nature at all. For example, you will discover approaches that will enable you to be functionally fit and strong with relatively little effort and minimal time investment. You’ll also see how hunger actually jeopardizes weight loss, and also makes practically every aspect of life harder to boot.
Not only are the methods here generally easy and sustainable, many are downright enjoyable. You will see how some activities that you may have hitherto regarded as the height of indulgence and perhaps laziness, like getting an early night, taking a nap, listening to music, or snoozing in the sun, have the capacity to help you be fitter, healthier and more productive.
Sometimes, people imagine that putting even a little time and effort into their work–life balance and wellbeing just cuts into work time and detracts from their productivity. Let me assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. Each of the many strategies in this book is designed to optimize your energy and effectiveness in a way that ensures you are significantly more productive than you are right now. What you put in is likely to be returned to you many times over in terms of enhanced output and the satisfaction you derive from your job. The potential ‘return on investment’ of these strategies is enormous.
A Great Day at the Office is about how to incorporate some simple tips, tricks and tools in your life that will enable you to get more done more quickly, but with less effort – and who wouldn’t like that?
How to Use This Book
There’s a lot of information in A Great Day at the Office, and some parts will be inevitably more relevant to you than others. One way to approach this book, therefore, is to go first to the chapters that pique your interest. The short descriptions of each chapter in the next section are there to help guide you to the parts of the book that you feel you’ll get the most out of.
As you read, you’ll see that many of the areas covered interconnect. For example, what we eat can affect our sleep. Sleep can also be influenced by light exposure, and both of these can have an impact on our mood. Certain mood states can affect sleep, of course, and lack of sleep can actually drive hunger and food choices. And these are just a few examples.
I’ve added cross-references throughout the book, so starting in one place may point you to other information that perhaps had no special interest for you to begin with. However, if you have been led somewhere by the text, then the chances are you’ll find something useful for you there, so I suggest ‘going with it’.
Another approach, of course, is just to read the book from cover to cover. Even if you feel ‘sorted’ in a particular area, it would be unusual if you did not gain a tip or two in each chapter that could make all the difference.
Each chapter includes a summary in bullet-point form. These are designed to help you remember key learning points. If you like, you might return to these summaries from time to time so that they may serve as useful reminders.
Do bear in mind, though, that you do not need to do everything suggested in this book and get it all right to derive major benefits in terms of your energy and effectiveness. I recommend starting with the things that seem most relevant to you and that you feel inspired to act on. You could, if you wish, always add new strategies later.