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Fatigue and lethargy


Sugar tends to provide ready fuel for the body and if supply stalls, so can energy. Blood sugar imbalance can manifest as fluctuating energy during the day, with the mid to late afternoon being a common low point. The slump of energy that many people experience at around 3 or 4 p.m. is almost always rooted in this issue.

In the corporate arena, I find this one of the most frequent drains on productivity of all, and I estimate it affects about 60 per cent of people to a significant degree. If you have come to recognize that the mid to late afternoon is typically your least productive time of day, then there’s a good chance you have some blood sugar balance issues going on.

Some people are so badly affected by this that they have to pinch themselves under the desk in meetings (or stand on their own toes in operating theatres) to stay awake and alert. One senior lawyer once told me he could be so sleepy in afternoon meetings with clients he would sometimes resort to jabbing himself in the hand with a sharpened pencil. If someone is having to inflict pain on themselves to stay awake in front of a valued client, it’s usually a sign that something is seriously wrong.

A Great Day at the Office: 10 Simple Strategies for Maximizing Your Energy and Getting the Best Out of Yourself and Your Day

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