Читать книгу Sex For Dummies - Pierre Lehu A., Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer - Страница 71

The advantages of having your period


What can be good about having blood come out of your vagina once a month, you ask?

 First, because menstruation is part of the process of making babies — and I love babies — the ability to have a child is definitely worth such a small inconvenience.

 Second, ask any woman who has problems with her menstruation, such as irregular bleeding, and you suddenly discover how nice it is to be able to know approximately when “your friend” will next pay a visit so you can prepare yourself.

 Third, disruptions in a woman’s cycle can serve as an early warning signal of possible health problems, so be aware of your body’s regular functioning.

The hormones in birth control pills would stop a woman from having her periods, but because the makers of the Pill thought women would find it strange not to have periods, they put placebos in the cycle so women on the Pill do have their periods. However, the FDA has approved a drug, called Seasonale, that continues the estrogen treatment for longer time frames. Women taking these pills have only four periods a year. The FDA also approved the use of continuous progestin that stops a woman’s periods completely, marketed as Lybrel. And Implanon, which is implanted under the skin on the inside of a woman’s upper arm and can be effective for up to three years, will also stop a woman’s periods.

The IUD and DepoProvera shot may also stop your period after a time, though probably not for several months. As far as doctors know, there is no downside to not having your period. When you’re on these birth control medications, you’re not going to get pregnant, so the lining of your uterus doesn’t have to be prepared with an extra blood supply. Because the world of medicine changes regularly, and because you need a prescription for any of these medications, talk to your doctor and see what might be right for you.

Sex For Dummies

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