Читать книгу Sex For Dummies - Pierre Lehu A., Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer - Страница 78

Feeding babies


The main purpose of breasts is to feed babies because after a mother gives birth she lactates (that is, makes milk) provided that the baby starts to suck at the nipples. This miraculous process is not only good for the baby’s health but also for the mother’s because breast-feeding gets rid of the excess fat she accumulated during her pregnancy.

Strangely, for a period of time in the 20th century, Western women gave up the process of feeding their babies from the breast. But more and more women are returning to this method.

If any of you have heard that a mother who is breast-feeding can’t get pregnant, think again. Women have a tendency not to ovulate while breast-feeding, but this tendency isn’t an absolute, as many a woman has discovered too late.

Sex For Dummies

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