Читать книгу Antenna-in-Package Technology and Applications - Duixian Liu - Страница 12


2D two‐dimensional
3D three‐dimensional
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
5G fifth‐generation
ABS acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
ACE Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.
ACP aperture‐coupled patch
ADS Advanced Design System
AIA active integrated antenna
AiM antenna in a module
AiP antenna‐in‐package
AM additive manufacturing
AMC artificial magnetic conductor
AoB antenna on a board
AoC antenna on a chip
AR axial ratio
ARM advanced reduced‐instruction set‐computer machine
ASIC application‐specific integrated circuit
ASUT antenna system under test
AUT antenna under test
Az azimuth
BCB benzocyclobutene
BC‐SRR broadside‐coupled SRR
BER bit error rate
BERT BER tester
BiCMOS bipolar complementary metal oxide semiconductor
BGA ball grid array
BLE Bluetooth low energy
BT Bluetooth
BT bismaleimide triazine
BW bandwidth
C4 controlled collapse chip connection
CATR compact antenna test range
CCL copper‐clad laminate
CLIP continuous liquid interface printing
CMA characteristic mode analysis
CMF conjugate match factor
CMG conjugate match gain
CMOS complementary metal‐oxide semiconductor
CNC computer numerical controlled
CP circular polarization
CPS coplanar strip
CPU central processing unit
CPW coplanar waveguide
CT computer tomography
CTE coefficient of thermal expansion
CUF capillary underfill
DC direct current
DLP digital light projection
DMA dynamic mechanical analysis
DRAM dynamic random‐access memory
DRIE deep reactive ion etching
EBG electromagnetic bandgap
EIRP equivalent isotropic radiated power
El elevation
EM electromagnetic
EMI electromagnetic interference
ESD electrostatic discharge
ETS embedded traces
eWLB embedded wafer‐level ball grid array
EZL embedded Z line
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FDM fused‐deposition modeling
FE front end
FF far‐field
FMCW frequency modulated continuous wave
FoM figure of merit
FO PoP fan‐out package‐on‐package
FO‐WLP fan‐out wafer‐level packaging
FPGA field‐programmable gate array
FR4 flame resistant 4
FSS frequency selective surface
GaAs gallium arsenide
GaN gallium nitride
Gb/s gigabit per second
GPU graphics processing unit
GSG ground‐signal‐ground
GSGSG ground‐signal‐ground‐signal‐ground
GSM global system for mobile communications
HAST highly accelerated stress test
HBM high bandwidth memory
HDI high‐density integration
HDI high‐density interconnect
HFSS high‐frequency structure simulator
HPBW half‐power beam width
HTCC high‐temperature co‐fired ceramics
IC integrated circuit
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IF intermediate frequency
InFO_PoP integrated fan out package on package
I/O input/output
IoT Internet of Things
ISM industrial, scientific and medical
ISSCC International Solid‐State Circuits Conference
JPL jet propulsion laboratory
LCD liquid crystal display
LCP liquid crystal polymer
LGA land grid array
LHCP left‐hand circular polarization
LNA low‐noise amplifier
LP linearly polarized
LTCC low‐temperature co‐fired ceramic
MACM multiple amplitude component method
MAPCM multiple amplitude phase component method
MCM multi‐chip module
MEMS micro‐electromechanical systems
MIM metal–insulator–metal
MIMO multiple input multiple output
MMIC monolithic microwave integrated circuit
MMWAC mmWave anechoic chamber
mmWave millimeter‐wave
mSAP modified semi‐additive process
MUF molded underfill
NF near‐field
NF noise figure
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NRE non‐recurring engineering
NRW Nicholson–Ross–Weir
OTA over‐the‐air
PAE power‐added efficiency
PAM phase amplitude method
PBO polybenzoxazoles
PCB printed circuit board
PEC perfect electric conductor
PER packet error rate
PET polyethylene terephthalate
pHEMT pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor
PI polyimide
PLA polylactic acid
PLL phase‐locked loop
PMC perfect magnetic conductor
PP polypropylene
PPM polarization pattern method
PTH plated‐through‐hole
p.u.l. per unit length
QFN quad flat non‐leaded
QFP quad flat package
R&D research and development
RAM random‐access memory
RCC resin‐coated copper
RCS radar cross‐section
RDL redistribution layer
RF radio frequency
RFIC radio frequency integrated circuit
RFID radio‐frequency identification
RHCP right‐hand circular polarization
RLCG resistance, inductance, capacitance, and conductance
RMS root mean square
RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive
RSM rotating source method
RX receiver
SAM scanning acoustic microscopy
SAP semi‐additive process
SAR synthetic aperture radar
SEM scanning electron microscopy
SG signal‐ground
SiGe silicon germanium
SiP system‐in‐package
SISO single input, single output
SIW substrate integrated waveguide
SLA stereolithography
SLC surface laminar circuit
SLM selective laser melting
SLS selective laser sintering
SMA sub‐miniature version A
SNR signal‐to‐noise ratio
SoC system on chip
SoP system‐on‐package
SPDR split post dielectric resonator
SPP surface plasmon polariton
SRR split‐ring resonator
SSD solid state drive
SSMA small SMA
SUB subtractive process
TCB thermocompression bonding
TE transverse electric
TEM transverse electro‐magnetic
TEV through encapsulant via
TFMSL thin‐film microstrip line
TIM thermal interface material
TIV through InFO via
TL transmission line
TMA thermomechanical analyzer
TM transverse magnetic
TMV through‐mold vias
TPP two‐photo polymerization
TSMC Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company
TSOP thin small outline package
TSV through silicon via
TX transmitter
μvia microvia
UBM under bump metallurgy
UHF ultra‐high frequency
UV ultraviolet
UWB ultra‐wideband
VCO voltage‐controlled oscillator
VGA variable gain amplifier
VLSI very‐large‐scale integration
VNA vector network analyzer
VQFN very thin quad flat no‐lead
VSWR voltage standing wave ratio
WGP wave‐guide port
WiGig wireless gigabit alliance
WLCSP wafer level chip scale package
WLP wafer level package
WPAN wireless personal area network
WPT wireless power transfer
WSN wireless sensor network
Antenna-in-Package Technology and Applications

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