2D | | two‐dimensional |
3D | three‐dimensional |
3GPP | 3rd Generation Partnership Project |
5G | fifth‐generation |
ABS | acrylonitrile butadiene styrene |
ACE | Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc. |
ACP | aperture‐coupled patch |
ADS | Advanced Design System |
AIA | active integrated antenna |
AiM | antenna in a module |
AiP | antenna‐in‐package |
AM | additive manufacturing |
AMC | artificial magnetic conductor |
AoB | antenna on a board |
AoC | antenna on a chip |
AR | axial ratio |
ARM | advanced reduced‐instruction set‐computer machine |
ASIC | application‐specific integrated circuit |
ASUT | antenna system under test |
AUT | antenna under test |
Az | azimuth |
BCB | benzocyclobutene |
BC‐SRR | broadside‐coupled SRR |
BER | bit error rate |
BERT | BER tester |
BiCMOS | bipolar complementary metal oxide semiconductor |
BGA | ball grid array |
BLE | Bluetooth low energy |
BT | Bluetooth |
BT | bismaleimide triazine |
BW | bandwidth |
C4 | controlled collapse chip connection |
CATR | compact antenna test range |
CCL | copper‐clad laminate |
CLIP | continuous liquid interface printing |
CMA | characteristic mode analysis |
CMF | conjugate match factor |
CMG | conjugate match gain |
CMOS | complementary metal‐oxide semiconductor |
CNC | computer numerical controlled |
CP | circular polarization |
CPS | coplanar strip |
CPU | central processing unit |
CPW | coplanar waveguide |
CT | computer tomography |
CTE | coefficient of thermal expansion |
CUF | capillary underfill |
DC | direct current |
DLP | digital light projection |
DMA | dynamic mechanical analysis |
DRAM | dynamic random‐access memory |
DRIE | deep reactive ion etching |
EBG | electromagnetic bandgap |
EIRP | equivalent isotropic radiated power |
El | elevation |
EM | electromagnetic |
EMI | electromagnetic interference |
ESD | electrostatic discharge |
ETS | embedded traces |
eWLB | embedded wafer‐level ball grid array |
EZL | embedded Z line |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
FDM | fused‐deposition modeling |
FE | front end |
FF | far‐field |
FMCW | frequency modulated continuous wave |
FoM | figure of merit |
FO PoP | fan‐out package‐on‐package |
FO‐WLP | fan‐out wafer‐level packaging |
FPGA | field‐programmable gate array |
FR4 | flame resistant 4 |
FSS | frequency selective surface |
GaAs | gallium arsenide |
GaN | gallium nitride |
Gb/s | gigabit per second |
GPU | graphics processing unit |
GSG | ground‐signal‐ground |
GSGSG | ground‐signal‐ground‐signal‐ground |
GSM | global system for mobile communications |
HAST | highly accelerated stress test |
HBM | high bandwidth memory |
HDI | high‐density integration |
HDI | high‐density interconnect |
HFSS | high‐frequency structure simulator |
HPBW | half‐power beam width |
HTCC | high‐temperature co‐fired ceramics |
IC | integrated circuit |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IF | intermediate frequency |
InFO_PoP | integrated fan out package on package |
I/O | input/output |
IoT | Internet of Things |
ISM | industrial, scientific and medical |
ISSCC | International Solid‐State Circuits Conference |
JPL | jet propulsion laboratory |
LCD | liquid crystal display |
LCP | liquid crystal polymer |
LGA | land grid array |
LHCP | left‐hand circular polarization |
LNA | low‐noise amplifier |
LP | linearly polarized |
LTCC | low‐temperature co‐fired ceramic |
MACM | multiple amplitude component method |
MAPCM | multiple amplitude phase component method |
MCM | multi‐chip module |
MEMS | micro‐electromechanical systems |
MIM | metal–insulator–metal |
MIMO | multiple input multiple output |
MMIC | monolithic microwave integrated circuit |
MMWAC | mmWave anechoic chamber |
mmWave | millimeter‐wave |
mSAP | modified semi‐additive process |
MUF | molded underfill |
NF | near‐field |
NF | noise figure |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NRE | non‐recurring engineering |
NRW | Nicholson–Ross–Weir |
OTA | over‐the‐air |
PAE | power‐added efficiency |
PAM | phase amplitude method |
PBO | polybenzoxazoles |
PCB | printed circuit board |
PEC | perfect electric conductor |
PER | packet error rate |
PET | polyethylene terephthalate |
pHEMT | pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor |
PI | polyimide |
PLA | polylactic acid |
PLL | phase‐locked loop |
PMC | perfect magnetic conductor |
PP | polypropylene |
PPM | polarization pattern method |
PTH | plated‐through‐hole |
p.u.l. | per unit length |
QFN | quad flat non‐leaded |
QFP | quad flat package |
R&D | research and development |
RAM | random‐access memory |
RCC | resin‐coated copper |
RCS | radar cross‐section |
RDL | redistribution layer |
RF | radio frequency |
RFIC | radio frequency integrated circuit |
RFID | radio‐frequency identification |
RHCP | right‐hand circular polarization |
RLCG | resistance, inductance, capacitance, and conductance |
RMS | root mean square |
RoHS | Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive |
RSM | rotating source method |
RX | receiver |
SAM | scanning acoustic microscopy |
SAP | semi‐additive process |
SAR | synthetic aperture radar |
SEM | scanning electron microscopy |
SG | signal‐ground |
SiGe | silicon germanium |
SiP | system‐in‐package |
SISO | single input, single output |
SIW | substrate integrated waveguide |
SLA | stereolithography |
SLC | surface laminar circuit |
SLM | selective laser melting |
SLS | selective laser sintering |
SMA | sub‐miniature version A |
SNR | signal‐to‐noise ratio |
SoC | system on chip |
SoP | system‐on‐package |
SPDR | split post dielectric resonator |
SPP | surface plasmon polariton |
SRR | split‐ring resonator |
SSD | solid state drive |
SSMA | small SMA |
SUB | subtractive process |
TCB | thermocompression bonding |
TE | transverse electric |
TEM | transverse electro‐magnetic |
TEV | through encapsulant via |
TFMSL | thin‐film microstrip line |
TIM | thermal interface material |
TIV | through InFO via |
TL | transmission line |
TMA | thermomechanical analyzer |
TM | transverse magnetic |
TMV | through‐mold vias |
TPP | two‐photo polymerization |
TSMC | Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company |
TSOP | thin small outline package |
TSV | through silicon via |
TX | transmitter |
μvia | microvia |
UBM | under bump metallurgy |
UHF | ultra‐high frequency |
UV | ultraviolet |
UWB | ultra‐wideband |
VCO | voltage‐controlled oscillator |
VGA | variable gain amplifier |
VLSI | very‐large‐scale integration |
VNA | vector network analyzer |
VQFN | very thin quad flat no‐lead |
VSWR | voltage standing wave ratio |
WGP | wave‐guide port |
WiGig | wireless gigabit alliance |
WLCSP | wafer level chip scale package |
WLP | wafer level package |
WPAN | wireless personal area network |
WPT | wireless power transfer |
WSN | wireless sensor network |