Читать книгу Antenna-in-Package Technology and Applications - Duixian Liu - Страница 4
List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Micrograph of the first 2.4‐GHz CMOS wireless SoC, a Bluetooth radi...Figure 1.2 Photographs of the first 60‐GHz SiGe radio chipset: (a) transmitter...Figure 1.3 Photograph of a microchip.Figure 1.4 Photographs showing the evolution of the integration of antenna in ...Figure 1.5 Photograph of IBM chip‐scale package with integrated chips and ante...Figure 1.6 Captured images and photographs of AiP for IBM 60‐GHz SiGe chip set...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Structure of a basic patch antenna and coordinate system.Figure 2.2 Structure of a stacked patch antenna and coordinate system.Figure 2.3 Photograph of a stacked patch antenna.Figure 2.4 Simulated and measured |S11| of a stacked patch antenna.Figure 2.5 Simulated and measured gain of a stacked patch antenna.Figure 2.6 Photograph of a linearly polarized 2×4 patch antenna arr...Figure 2.7 Photograph of a circularly polarized 4×4 patch antenna a...Figure 2.8 Photograph of a switched‐beam patch antenna array (from...Figure 2.9 Photograph of a phased array (from [11], © 2011 IEEE, re...Figure 2.10 Structure of a microstrip grid array antenna and coordinate ...Figure 2.11 Photograph of a dual‐feed microstrip grid array antenna.Figure 2.12 Simulated and measured results (a) |Sd11...Figure 2.13 Simulated and measured radiation patterns of a dual‐fe...Figure 2.14 Simulated and measured radiation patterns of a dual‐fe...Figure 2.15 Simulated and measured gain values of a dual‐feed micr...Figure 2.16 Simulated current distributions of a dual‐feed microst...Figure 2.17 Structure of a horizontal Yagi‐Uda antenna and coordin...Figure 2.18 Structure of a vertical Yagi‐Uda antenna and coordinat...Figure 2.19 Simulated and measured |S11| of a vertical...Figure 2.20 Simulated and measured radiation patterns of a vertical Yagi...Figure 2.21 Structure of a single‐polarized magneto‐electric...Figure 2.22 Photograph of a single‐polarized magneto‐electri...Figure 2.23 Structure of a dual‐polarized magneto‐electric d...Figure 2.24 Photograph of a dual‐polarized magneto‐electric ...Figure 2.25 Simulated and measured |S11| results for (a)...Figure 2.26 Simulated and measured radiation patterns of a single‐po...Figure 2.27 Simulated and measured radiation patterns of a dual‐pola...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Lead frame.Figure 3.2 Laminate substrate: (a) cross‐section view of laminate substrate a...Figure 3.3 Simplified RDL process flow: (a) incoming wafer, (b) spin coat and...Figure 3.4 Wire bond versus flip chip die: (a) wire bond die and (b) flip chip...Figure 3.5 Wire bond plastic BGA package: (a) top and bottom view, (b) isometr...Figure 3.6 Assembly process flow for wire bond plastic BGA.Figure 3.7 Die preparation.Figure 3.8 Pick process flow: (a) piston (needle) ejector and (b) multi‐step e...Figure 3.9 Wire bond between die and laminate substrate.Figure 3.10 Two methods of molding: (a) transfer molding and (b) compression m...Figure 3.11 QFN package: (a) bottom view and (b) isometric view with mold com...Figure 3.12 QFN package cross‐section.Figure 3.13 QFN package assembly process flow.Figure 3.14 Flip chip BGA package cross‐section (from [38], © 2018 STATS Chip...Figure 3.15 Flip chip plastic BGA.Figure 3.16 Solder bumping process flow: (a) deposit UBM, (b) coatand pattern...Figure 3.17 Cu pillar bumping process flow: (a) deposit UBM, (b) coatand patt...Figure 3.18 Wafer level package: (a) bottom view and (b) cross‐section view (f...Figure 3.19 Cross‐section of solder ball on wafer level package.Figure 3.20 Wafer level package assembly process flow.Figure 3.21 Fan‐out wafer level package: (a) bottom view and (b) cross‐section...Figure 3.22 Key steps in FO‐WLP assembly process flow: (a) apply tape on temp...Figure 3.23 AMD Radeon™ Fury GPU: (a) optical microscope photography from top ...Figure 3.24 System overview of general system in package using HBM DRAM (from ...Figure 3.25 TSV cross‐section view (from [46], © 2016 IEEE, reprinted with per...Figure 3.26 Proposed 3D SSD with boost converter (from [47], © 2009 IEEE, repr...Figure 3.27 Cross‐section view of single chip InFO_PoP with TIV (Through InFO ...Figure 3.28 Sketch of 3D fan‐out stacking. Note that the vertical interconnect...Figure 3.29 Cross‐section view of six‐layer 3D fan‐out stacking package (from ...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Important parameters and considerations for AiP design and implemen...Figure 4.2 Illustration of the multilayered antenna package concept: (a) cross...Figure 4.3 Design and test flow example for implementing an AiP module.Figure 4.4 Illustration of signaling schemes on the 28‐GHz four‐chip antenna a...Figure 4.5 Thermomechanical and antenna prototype package with a top view of a...Figure 4.6 (a) Thermal shadow moiré setup illustration for warpage measurement...Figure 4.7 Thermal simulation and measurement for the 5G prototype package (fr...Figure 4.8 Illustration of the cross‐section view of the thermal experiment.Figure 4.9 Detailed views of heat spreader (left) and PCB cutout (middle) for ...Figure 4.10 Cooling configurations for low‐power AiP modules.Figure 4.11 A thermal resistance path.Figure 4.12 Cooling configurations for high‐power AiP modules.Figure 4.13 Server fan power and processor junction temperature variation with...Figure 4.14 Comparison between the conventional liquid‐cooled cold‐plate and d...Figure 4.15 Summary of cooling system technology improvement.
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Spherical coordinate system with ....Figure 5.2 Illustration of the transition of a guided TEM wave along a transmi...Figure 5.3 Field regions around an antenna.Figure 5.4 Two‐dimensional normalized radiation pattern. A cut in the plane ...Figure 5.5 Three‐dimensional normalized radiation pattern of the antenna descr...Figure 5.6 Polarization ellipse (a function of time) and the polarization patt...Figure 5.7 Equivalent circuit representation of an antenna. The antenna is con...Figure 5.8 Photograph of a probe station model 9000 from Cascade Microtech, In...Figure 5.9 Sketch of the input‐impedance measurement setup.Figure 5.10 Illustration of probe tips in GSG, GS, and SG configurations. Wher...Figure 5.11 Photograph of a fabricated 60‐GHz AiP prototype.Figure 5.12 Comparison between measured and simulated antenna parameters of th...Figure 5.13 (a) Illustration of a mmWave anechoic chamber and (b) a photograph...Figure 5.14 Circularly polarized rod antenna (a) misaligned with rotational in...Figure 5.15 (a) Perspective view of the side probe positioned on a co‐planar t...Figure 5.16 Illustration of the interrelations between various error types, th...Figure 5.17 Motion orientation pertaining to rotations and translations in the...Figure 5.18 (a) Illustration of the short‐range communication application usin...Figure 5.19 Circularly polarized rod antenna with connector interface and cabl...Figure 5.20 Accuracy of the AR and gain versus theta angles obtained at 61 GHz...Figure 5.21 Complete frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar operatin...Figure 5.22 Radiation pattern measurement setup using OTA testing. The RF sign...Figure 5.23 Measured and simulated E‐plane (left‐hand side) and H‐plane (right...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 An enlarged, 3D conceptual illustration of RF SoP to demonstrate th...Figure 6.2 Generalized LTCC fabrication process.Figure 6.3 3D view and slot geometry of the 79‐GHz SIW 12‐slot array antenna i...Figure 6.4 Top and side view of the 140‐GHz SIW horn antenna in LTCC [11].Figure 6.5 Cross‐section view of the 300‐GHz SIW horn antenna in LTCC [12].Figure 6.6 A 60‐GHz 4×4 antenna array with multilayered SIW‐based feeding ne...Figure 6.7 Multilayered 3D structure of the 38‐GHz LTCC quasi‐Yagi antenna [20...Figure 6.8 A 60‐GHz 4×6 LTCC‐based patch antenna array: (a) side view of the...Figure 6.9 Configuration of the 79‐GHz cavity resonator antenna array in LTCC ...Figure 6.10 A 94‐GHz microstrip mesh array antenna: (a) 3D exploded view and (...Figure 6.11 Radial line slotted antenna array in LTCC: (a) side view and (b) t...Figure 6.12 Measured and simulated radiation patterns at 276 GHz: (a) H‐plane ...Figure 6.13 A 60‐GHz active antenna in an LTCC package: (a) layer profile and ...Figure 6.14 Grid array antenna in LTCC: (a) top view and (b) bottom view [45].Figure 6.15 A 4×4 patch antenna array in LTCC with embedded cavity [53].Figure 6.16 Geometry of a 1×4 fractal antenna array with integrated Fresnel ...Figure 6.17 (a) Geometry of the via‐loaded strip soft surface structure and (b...Figure 6.18 Sievenpiper EBG embedded 60‐GHz 2×2 antenna array [60].Figure 6.19 Measured relative linear permeability of ESL 40012 [62].Figure 6.20 Cross sectional view of the tunable antenna module [63].Figure 6.21 Tunable antenna on a ferrite LTCC substrate with embedded windings...Figure 6.22 (a) Conceptual sketch of a monolithic slotted SIW phased antenna a...Figure 6.23 (a) Fabricated 2×3 antenna array prototype and (b) measured radi...Figure 6.24 Conceptual drawing of multi‐type LTCC tape system.
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Example of (a) BGA package (STMicroelectronics ST25R3912‐AWLT) and ...Figure 7.2 Illustration of (a) wire bonding and (b) flip‐chip assembly of a BG...Figure 7.3 Standard core and prepreg symmetrical buildup.Figure 7.4 Four‐layer coreless buildup example.Figure 7.5 Organic substrate assembly process flow.Figure 7.6 Example of an organic strip comprising 64 BGA substrates before ass...Figure 7.7 AiP integration strategies: the die is on the opposite side of the ...Figure 7.8 Detailed top view of the patch, slot, and feeding microstrip line c...Figure 7.9 Cross‐section of the selected 1‐2‐1 HDI buildup to embed ACP antenn...Figure 7.10 Transparent top view of an ACP with the cavity where the patch is ...Figure 7.11 Simulated realized gain radiation patterns for (a) the E‐plane (φ ...Figure 7.12 60‐GHz HDI module with ACP antennas surrounded by buried vias.Figure 7.13 Pictures of the first manufactured HDI mmWave organic 60‐GHz modul...Figure 7.14 Measurement results: (a) reflection coefficient and (b) realized g...Figure 7.15 3D realized gain patterns at 60 GHz of the first realized module (...Figure 7.16 (a) Transparent top “large” view of the Rx antenna centered in a 1...Figure 7.17 Transparent top view of the complete BGA module (from [7]).Figure 7.18 Picture of the BGA module. (a) Bottom view with the chip footprint...Figure 7.19 (a) Reflection coefficient of six Tx antenna from six different BG...Figure 7.20 (a) Simulation and measurement of the copolar realized gain radiat...Figure 7.21 (a) Simulation and measurement of the reflection coefficient versu...Figure 7.22 (a) Simulated and computed (from measurement) AR of the Rx antenna...Figure 7.23 Fabricated module with two antenna arrays (Rx and Tx).Figure 7.24 Surface wave propagation constant β normalized to the free‐space p...Figure 7.25 HDI module at 94 GHz with ACP antenna arrays with a flip‐chip die ...Figure 7.26 Simulation model of the module at 94 GHz.Figure 7.27 (a) Measured reflection coefficient of each element of the two arr...Figure 7.28 Chosen HDI technology buildup for 120 GHz AiP (from [14]).Figure 7.29 Transparent top view of all the levels of the BGA module. Bottom v...Figure 7.30 Photographs of bottom and top views of the BGA module integrating ...Figure 7.31 Simulated and measured (a) |S11| of the array antenna of the BGA m...Figure 7.32 Simulated and measured realized gain of the (a) H‐ and (b) E‐plane...Figure 7.33 (a) 3D view of the dome lens antenna (left). HFSS model (right) of...Figure 7.34 Full antenna system radiation patterns at f = 140 GHz. Comparison ...Figure 7.35 Complete antenna system with active chip and PC board for 5G backh...Figure 7.36 Transceiver power consumption breakdown, TRX end‐to‐end measuremen...Figure 7.37 Chosen HDI technology buildup for 240 GHz AiP (from [19]).Figure 7.38 3D view of the HFSS model of the 240‐GHz BGA source (from [19]).Figure 7.39 Simulated and measured broadside realized copolarization gain and ...Figure 7.40 Post‐simulated and measured copolarization broadside realized gain...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Development of the eWLB since its introduction in 2006.Figure 8.2 Outline of a classical WLP with a fan‐in area (left) and an eWLB pa...Figure 8.3 Process flow for the fabrication of the eWLB package. The process f...Figure 8.4 Cross‐section of a typical eWLB package with fan‐in and fan‐out are...Figure 8.5 Cross‐section of vertical interconnections realized in the eWLB usi...Figure 8.6 (a) Photograph of a system carrier with Si dies and EZL interconnec...Figure 8.7 A flexible EZL enables the realization of single vertical interconn...Figure 8.8 Transmission lines available in the eWLB.Figure 8.9 (a) Photograph and (b) measured (solid line) and simulated (dotted ...Figure 8.10 (a) Photograph and (b) measured (solid line) and simulated (dotted...Figure 8.11 Measured (solid line) and simulated (dotted line) contributions of...Figure 8.12 (a) Photograph of a single‐layer spiralinductor in the eWLB with N...Figure 8.13 (a) Photograph and (b) measured (solid line) and simulated (dotted...Figure 8.14 Photographs of (a) a parallel LC resonant circuit and (b) a 2.45‐G...Figure 8.15 Photographs of (a) a 60‐GHz branch‐line coupler and (b) a 60‐GHz r...Figure 8.16 (a) Design and (b) simulated ‐parameters of a 60‐GHz rat‐race cou...Figure 8.17 Photograph of a four‐channel 77‐GHz radar receiver in the eWLB (fr...Figure 8.18 Simulated ‐parameters of an optimized differential chip–package–b...Figure 8.19 (a) CT image and photograph and (b) measured ‐parameters of a cas...Figure 8.20 (a) 3D model and (b) simulated ‐parameters of a differential vert...Figure 8.21 (a) Simulated insertion loss and maximal available gain and (b...Figure 8.22 Integration of the antenna in the eWLB (from [17], ©2019 IEEE, rep...Figure 8.23 Photographs of typical antennas manufactured in the RDL of the eWL...Figure 8.24 Vertical dipole antenna using an EZL (from [6], ©2019 IEEE, reprin...Figure 8.25 Antenna realized on the package top surface using an EZL for verti...Figure 8.26 (a) CT image and photograph of an EZL‐based vertical dipole antenn...Figure 8.27 Photographs of (a) the bistatic and (b) the monostatic transceiver...Figure 8.28 Differential parallel feed system for two antenna elements for a 6...Figure 8.29 Photographs of the eWLB package for a 60‐GHz monostatic transceive...Figure 8.30 Simulated (dotted line) and measured (solid line) (a) return loss ...Figure 8.31 Photographs of the eWLB package for a 60‐GHz bistatic transceiver ...Figure 8.32 Simulated (dotted line) and measured (solid line) (a) return loss ...Figure 8.33 Photograph of a 77‐GHz eWLB module with four dipole antennas integ...Figure 8.34 Photograph of the front‐end consisting of a four‐channel transceiv...Figure 8.35 Simulated and measured gain of the antenna array for (a) active TX...Figure 8.36 Resulting power distribution using a target of approximately 10 mFigure 8.37 Photograph of a 60‐GHz eWLB module with two dipole and four patch ...Figure 8.38 EM simulation environment (from [23], ©2019 IEEE, reprinted with p...Figure 8.39 (a) Electric field distribution in the E‐ and H‐planes at 60 GHz a...Figure 8.40 (a) Electric field distribution in the E‐ and H‐planes at 60 GHz a...Figure 8.41 Simulated (a) receiver and (b) transmitter antenna return loss (fr...Figure 8.42 Simulated isolation between transmitter and receiver channels (fro...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Comparisons between subtractive and additive manufacturing processe...Figure 9.2 The FormLabs SLA printer has seen widespread adoption due to a low ...Figure 9.3 Photograph of a commercially available split post dielectric resona...Figure 9.4 Material characterization using waveguides.Figure 9.5 Inkjet printed on‐package mmWave bow‐tie antenna samples [9].Figure 9.6 “Smart” wireless encapsulation process flow. (a) 3D print partial e...Figure 9.7 (a) Fully‐printed 3D TMV‐integrated partial encapsulation with sili...Figure 9.8 (a) The effects of exposure time on the 3D printed substrate. (b) D...Figure 9.9 Flexibility of the 3D printed substrate (from [12], © 2018 IEEE, re...Figure 9.10 Ink adhesion on the 3D printed substrate (a) without surface treat...Figure 9.11 (a) Inkjet printing of a silver trace without an SU‐8 layer and (b...Figure 9.12 3D and inkjet printing fabrication process (from [12], © 2018 IEEE...Figure 9.13 (a) The proposed broadband on‐package antenna. (b) The inkjet and ...Figure 9.14 (a) Measured and simulated . (b) Measured gain of the proposed Ai...Figure 9.15 Measured radiation pattern of the proposed broadband on‐package an...Figure 9.16 (a) SoP design using 3D inter‐layer connections. (b) Proof‐of‐conc...Figure 9.17 SoP design (a) with IC attached and (b) sealed with flexible mater...Figure 9.18 Miniaturized 3D and inkjet printed SoP design (from [12], © 2018 I...Figure 9.19 AM SoP module design.
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 A 3‐2‐3 SLC cross‐section.Figure 10.2 A typical AiP‐based phased array stack‐up.Figure 10.3 The stack‐up of the proposed AiP structure.Figure 10.4 Waves related to a patch antenna.Figure 10.5 The vertical transition: (a) 2D view, (b) cross‐section, and (c) 3...Figure 10.6 Simulated reflection coefficient (S11) of the transitions.Figure 10.7 Simulated S12 of the transitions.Figure 10.8 The aperture‐coupled stacked patch antenna structure: (a) antenna ...Figure 10.9 A sketch of the complete vertical feed line sections.Figure 10.10 Photograph of the fabricated prototype antenna vehicle.Figure 10.11 Measured and simulated results of the antenna element: (a) reflec...Figure 10.12 Measured and simulated E‐plane radiation patterns: (a) horizontal...Figure 10.13 An illustration of AiP assembly breakout: (a) layer stack‐up and ...Figure 10.14 An illustration of antenna feed line routing.Figure 10.15 Top view (a) and bottom view (b) of a fully assembled antenna arr...Figure 10.16 (a) Antenna testing chamber and setup for passive antenna element...Figure 10.17 Direct soldered module on a PCB with external IF and LO signals (...Figure 10.18 Measured and simulated 64‐element H‐polarization beams at boresig...Figure 10.19 Measured 64‐element H‐polarization beam patterns steering to af...Figure 10.20 (a) Measured beam steering example at a fixed variable gain ampli...Figure 10.21 (a) Illustration of two different types of mmWave backhaul link, ...Figure 10.22 Scalable phased‐array concept (from [11], © 2015 IEEE, reprinted ...Figure 10.23 Antenna and package options for W‐band scalable phased array (fro...Figure 10.24 A nonuniform linear array with isotropic radiators.Figure 10.25 Array simulation for a nonuniform linear array with 48 isotropic ...Figure 10.26 (a) Illustration of a W‐band phased‐array MCM module and (b) a pa...Figure 10.27 (a) Prototype antenna design and (b) the actual layout of the ant...Figure 10.28 Measured and simulated antenna reflection coefficients (from [30]...Figure 10.29 Measured and simulated radiation patterns of the phi and theta co...Figure 10.30 A close‐up view of the four‐chip package with actual patch antenn...Figure 10.31 Simulated antenna array with 1024 isotropic radiators based on th...Figure 10.32 Simulated 1024‐element radiation patterns with beams at ...Figure 10.33 A large‐scale 128‐port 3D full‐wave HFSS model for the package si...Figure 10.34 Simulated reflection coefficients (both polarizations) of the 16 ...Figure 10.35 Phased‐array package layout housing four SiGe ICs with 64 dual‐po...Figure 10.36 Flip‐chip assembled packages with 64 integrated antennas (package...Figure 10.37 A socket with high‐speed pogo pins for package screening and test...Figure 10.38 An assembled package mounted to the test board for antenna radiat...Figure 10.39 W‐band antenna chamber measurement setup (from [31], © 2014 IEEE,...Figure 10.40 Model‐to‐hardware correlation of antenna radiation patterns for o...Figure 10.41 W‐band board‐level measured individual antenna EIRP.Figure 10.42 (a) Measured spatial power combining of each IC (16 elements) nor...Figure 10.43 Measured 64‐element array radiation patterns and beam steering (f...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Chu sphere of radius a. The Chu sphere is the minimum ...Figure 11.2 Normalized (to McLean) boundary of a rectangular PCB‐type antenna ...Figure 11.3 Slotting in a rectangular patch antenna to shape the current flow ...Figure 11.4 Shorting plate used to half the patch size (from [10],...Figure 11.5 Various inductance loadings for a monopole antenna to reduce reson...Figure 11.6 a) Loaded monopole antenna with a fixed circumscribing sphere. (b...Figure 11.7 (a) Perspective presentation of a slow‐wave meanderline and its eq...Figure 11.8 Meanderline loaded tunable spherical antenna: (a) antenna geometry...Figure 11.9 A dual‐mode miniaturized antenna: (a) antenna geometry and (b) dua...Figure 11.10 Different antennas used for energy harvesting (from ...Figure 11.11 Scavenging antenna structure. (a) The feeding loop is directly co...Figure 11.12 Geometry of an inductive‐shape meander antenna having multiple fo...Figure 11.13 (a) Realized gain and (b) impedance bandwidth and realized gain b...Figure 11.14 General multi‐turn loop‐dipole structure (from [10], reprinted wi...Figure 11.15 (a) Maximum achievable value for the input impedance and (b) the ...Figure 11.16 (a) Integrated on‐chip scavenging and UWB antennas. Real and imag...Figure 11.17 Designed off‐chip antennas with scavenging at 915 MHz (from [10],...Figure 11.18 Different antennas which can be used for IoT applications (from [...Figure 11.19 Different 3D printed antennas (from [77–80], © 2016, 2017, 2017, ...Figure 11.20 An autonomous bio‐sensor as an e‐CUBE. (a) Schematic view of a Si...Figure 11.21 Schematic description of the topology introduced and the layer bu...Figure 11.22 The chosen dipole antenna fed by a via‐less balun as the coupling...Figure 11.23 Simulation results of the optimized dipole: (a) return loss, (b) ...Figure 11.24 (a) The optimum location for the optimized dipoles to yield mi...Figure 11.25 1×4 coaxial‐to‐microstrip splitter: (a) schem...Figure 11.26 Microstrip‐to‐microstrip transition from the top f...Figure 11.27 The final design for the e‐CUBE antenna: (a) one‐q...Figure 11.28 (a) Manufactured separate parts: SSMA connector, flex‐ri...Figure 11.29 Simulation versus measurement results for the finalized antenn...