Читать книгу Antenna-in-Package Technology and Applications - Duixian Liu - Страница 13


Ae effective antenna aperture
c speed of light
D directivity
D = max[D(ϑ, ϕ)] directivity function
η effciency
unit vector along the r axis
electric field in space frequency
f frequency
G gain
G = max[G(ϑ, ϕ)] gain function
Γ reflection coeffcient
I p input current antenna
k coverage factor
L length of the radiating aperture
λ 0 wavelength in free space
Mv measurement value
Pin input power
Pt total radiated power
P(ϑ, ϕ) normalized radiation power
R radial distance from the antenna
Ra resistive
RL radiated losses
Rr radiated resistance
Rv reference value
μ sys system uncertainty
Poynting vector
V p input voltage antenna
X a reactance
Z 0 characteristic impedance
Z a input impedance
Z g generator impedance = Rg
Antenna-in-Package Technology and Applications

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