Читать книгу Outlook 2016 For Dummies - Dyszel Bill - Страница 9

Part I
Getting Started With Outlook 2016
Chapter 1
Outlook Features You Really Need to Know


In This Chapter

▶ Reading and creating email

▶ Sending files by email

▶ Checking your calendar

▶ Entering appointments and contacts

▶ Managing tasks

▶ Keeping notes

I’m kicking off this book with Outlook’s Greatest Hits – the things you’ll want to do with Outlook every single day. The list sounds simple enough: sending email, making appointments, and so on. But most people only use about 5 percent of Outlook’s power. Even if you move up to using 10 percent of Outlook’s features, you’ll be amazed at how this little program can streamline your life and spiff up your communications. People get pretty excited about Outlook, even if they take advantage of only a tiny fraction of what the package can do. But there’s more here than meets the eye; Outlook does ordinary things extraordinarily well. I know you want to do the same, so read on.

Outlook 2016 For Dummies

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