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WOLF, Bibliotheca Hebraea, ii. 657–993, iv. 320–456.

WAEHNER, Antiquitates Ebraeorum, de Israeliticae gentis origine fatis, etc., vol. i. pp. 231–584. Göttingen 1742.

BARCLAY, The Talmud, London 1878; containing selected treatises from the Mishna and Gemara, with commentary.

LIGHTFOOT, Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae, on Gospels, Acts, Romans, and 1 Corinthians, in Opera Omnia. Francker 1699, vol. ii. pp. 243–742, 783–928.

OORT, The Talmud and the New Testament, reprinted from the Modern Review. London 1883.

DEUTSCH, The Talmud, in Literary Remains. London 1874.

DAVIDSON, article “Talmud” in Kitto’s Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature, vol. iii. Edinburgh 1862.

PICK, article “Talmud” in M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclop. of Bibl. Theol. and Eccl. Literature, New York 1881, pp. 166–187.

STRACK, article “Thalmud” in Herzog’s Real-Encyclopaedie, xviii. 297–369; a particularly careful and complete statement of rich and voluminous literature.

JOST, Geschichte der Israeliten seit der Zeit der Makkabäer, Bd. iv. 1824, pp. 222 f., 323–328, nebst dem Excurs “Ueber den Talmud als historische Quelle,” im Anhang, pp. 264–294.

ZUNZ, Die gottesdienstl. Vorträge, pp. 51–55, 94.

PINNER, Compendium des hierosolym. und babyl. Talmud. Berl. 1832.—Also: Einl. in den Talmud, vor seiner Ausgabe und Uebersetz. des Tractates Berachoth.—Also the first twelve sheets of the same, containing Maimonides’ Preface to Seder Seraim (German and Hebrew).

FÜRST, Die literarischen Vorlagen des Talmuds (Literaturbl. des Orients, 1850, n. 1 ff.).—Also: Kultur- und Literaturgesch. der Juden in Asien. 1 Thl. 1849.

FRANKEL, Ueber die Lapidarstyl der talm. Historik (Monatsschr. 1851–1852, pp. 203–220, 403–421).—Also: Beiträge zur Einl. in den Talmud (Monatsschr. 1861, pp. 186–194, 205–212, 258–272).

GRÄTZ, Die talmudische Chronologie (Monatsschr. 1851–1852, pp. 509–521).—Also: Zur Chron. der talm. Zeit (Monatsschr. 1885, pp. 433–453, 481–496).—Also: Gesch. der Juden, iv. 384, 408–412.

PRESSEL, art. “Thalmud” in Herzog’s Real-Encyclopaedie, 1 Aufl., Bd. xv. 1862, pp. 615–664.

JOST, Geschichte des Judenthums, ii. 202–212.

BEDARRIDE, Étude sur le Talmud (142, p. 8). Montpellier 1869.

AUERBACH, Das jüdische Obligationsrecht, Bd. i. 1870.—Gives in the very full introduction, especially pp. 62–114, a history of the development of the Talmud.

BRÜLL, Die Entstehungsgeschichte des babylonischen Talmuds als Schriftwerkes (Jahrbb. für jüd. Gesch. und Literatur, ii. 1876, pp. 1–123).

DERENBOURG, art. “Talmud” in Lichtenberger’s Encyclopédie des sciences religieuses, t. xii. pp. 1009–1038.

HAMBURGER, Real-Encyclop. für Bibel und Talmud, Abth. ii. (1883) art “Talmud, Talmudlehrer, Talmudschulen” (pp. 1155–1164), and various articles on individual teachers.

WEISS, Zur Geschichte der jüd. Tradition, iii. 1883

BLOCH, Einblicke in die Geschickte der Entstehung der talmudischen Literatur, Vienna 1884 (see also: Brüll’s Jahrbb. für jüd. Gesch. und Literatur, vii. 1885, pp. 101–106).

In the editions of the Babylonian Talmud, in vol. ix., at the close of the fourth Seder, we meet with several pieces which do not belong to the codex, but in part at least reach back to the Talmudic age:—

(a) The Aboth derabbi Nathan, an expansion of the Pirke Aboth, with many stories about the life of the Sage and other Haggadic legends. Its present form was given it first in post-Talmudic times.

A recension of this tract, diverging from the usually printed text, has been edited by Taussig, ניה שלום, Nweh Shalom; 1st part, containing Aboth di R. Nathan, is a recension differing from the printed text, Seder Tannaim w’Amoraim and Varianten or Pirke Aboth, from manuscripts in the Royal Library at Munich, edited and annotated, Munich 1872.—Both recensions are given by Schechter, Aboth de Rabbi Nathan, hujus libri recensiones duas collatis variis apud bibliothecas et publicas et privatas codicibus edidit, Vienna 1887.—A Latin translation of the common text is given in Tractatus de patribus: Rabbi Nathane auctore, in linguam Latinum translatus opera Francisci Taileri, London 1654.—Compare generally: Wolf, Bibliotheca Hebraea, ii. 855–857.—Zunz, Die gottesdienstlichen Vorträge, p. 108 f.—Fürst, Bibliotheca Judaica, iii. p. 19 f.—Zedner, Catalogue of British Museum, p. 748.

(b) The so-called small tracts: on these compare Jost, Geschichte des Judenthums, ii. 237 ff.; Zedner, Catalogue, p. 748 f.; Strack in Herzog, Real-Encyclop. xviii. 328.

1. Sopherim, on the writing of the roll of the law, and the various exercises of the Synagogue. Belonging to post-Talmudic times.

Separate edition: Masechet Soferim. Der talmudische Tractat der Schreiber, nach Handschriften herausgegeben und commentirt von Joel Müller, Leipzig 1878. Compare generally: Zedner, Catalogue, p. 749; Zunz, Die gottesdienstl. Vorträge, p. 96 f.; Hamburger, Real-Enc. Supplem. p. 104.

2. Ebel rabbathi, or euphemistically Semachoth, not Simchoth, on the treatment of corpses, and on the customs observed in reference to the dead. It is quoted in the Talmud. Zunz, p. 90. Brüll, however, contests the idea that the tract cited in the Talmud is identical with the one that has come down to us. See Hamburger, Supplement, pp. 51–53.

3. Kalla, on marital intercourse and on chastity in general. According to Zunz, p. 89 f., it is probably older than the Jerusalem Talmud.

4. Derek erez rabba, on social duties, Zunz, p. 110 f.; Hamburger, Supplement, p. 50 f.

5. Derek erez suta, Precepts for Scholars, Zunz, pp. 110–112; Hamburger, Supplement, p. 50 f. Separate edition: Der talmudische Tractat Derech Erez Sutta nach Hand-schriften und seltenen Ausgaben mit Parallelstellen und Varianten, kritisch bearbeitet, übersetzt und erläutert von Abr. Tawrogi, Königsberg 1885.

6. Perek schalom, on peace-making, Zunz, pp. 110–112.

Seven similar small tracts have been recently published by Raphael Kirchheim, under the title שבע מסכתות קטנות ירושלמיות, Septem libri Talmudici parvi Hierosolymitani, Frankfort 1851. These are the following:—1. Massecheth Sepher Thora; 2. M. Mesusa; 3. M. Tephillin; 4. M. Zizith; 5. M. Abadim; 6. M. Kuthim; 7. M. Gerim.—The sixth tract was published separately, with a commentary, under the title: כרמי שמרון, Introductio in librum Talm. de Samaritanis, Frankfort 1851.—On the tract Gerim, which was earlier recognised, see Zunz, p. 90. It is of later date than the Talmud.—On all the seven, see Hamburger, Real-Encyclopaedie, Supplementalband, p. 95, article “Kleine Tractate;” Strack in Herzog, Real-Encyclopaedie, xviii. p. 328 f.

A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ

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