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Responding to boundary crossings


Naturally, some people will cross your boundaries because they think their priorities are greater than any you might have. As a manager, you need to address this issue upfront and come to an understanding that (hopefully) everyone will adhere to. But some people will believe that you won’t mind because they think it’s too important or they’re feeling pressure from higher-ups to get things done.

What do you do? If you’re in an office setting, it can be hard if all the offices are open or have cubicles, because someone can just come by and either knock or just say hello. It’s a bit easier if you’re working remotely, because you can simply decline to answer the phone or you can use technology to save the day.

With that said, here are some suggestions that may help:

 If someone tells you (or demands) something that crosses your boundaries, simply say, “That doesn’t work for me.” The best case scenario is that the other person will get the message and will work with you to find a solution. (Worst case? You may need to find a new job or a new employee, depending on your position.) Mister Rogers always said, “Look for the helpers.” If you know you won’t be available ahead of time, you should talk with one or more people you know who could help a person needing something from you. Be aware that anyone you approach with your request will likely want you to do the same for them when they’re not available.

 In your online employee collaboration app, you may want to include any notes specifying that that you’ll be out of contact for a few hours during the day and invite people to find time outside that window to connect.

 If you’ll be out for longer than a few hours during the day, you should write an OOO email message.

 You may need to set boundaries around projects as well. For example, in your company's email or employee collaboration app, you may need to write a message saying that you won’t be able to work on a project until a specific date — usually, after your current project ends.

You may want to consider looking at your email messages only at certain times of the day — not only to ensure that you block out your time for other tasks but also to send the message that you’re not available at everyone’s beck and call.

Digital Etiquette For Dummies

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