| Works by Francis Hutcheson |
Inquiry on Beauty | The first treatise of An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue; In Two Treatises. I. Concerning Beauty, Order, Harmony, Design. II. Concerning Moral Good and Evil. London, 4th ed., 1738. |
Inquiry on Virtue | The second treatise of the preceding. |
Essay on Passions | The first part of An Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Passions and Affections. With Illustrations On the Moral Sense. London, 3rd ed., 1742. |
Illustrations | The second part of the preceding. |
Institutio | Philosophiae moralis institutio compendiaria, Ethices & Jurisprudentiae Naturalis elementa continens. Glasgow, 1742, 2nd ed., 1745. |
Short Introduction | A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy. Glasgow, 1747. |
Synopsis | Synopsis metaphysicae, ontologiam & pneumatologiam complectens. Glasgow, 1744. |
System | A System of Moral Philosophy. London, 1755. |
| Other Works |
De finibus | Cicero. De finibus bonorum et malorum. |
De iure belli | Grotius, Hugo. De iure belli ac pacis libri tres, in quibus ius naturae et gentium, item iuris publici praecipua explicantur. Paris, 1625. |
De officiis | Cicero. De officiis. |
De officio | Pufendorf, Samuel von. De officio hominis et civis iuxta legem naturalem libri duo. Lund, 1673. |
De iure nat. | Pufendorf, Samuel von. De iure naturae et gentium libri octo. Lund, 1672. |
Notes on Puf. | Carmichael, Gershom. Natural Rights on the Threshold of the Scottish Enlightenment: The Writings of Gershom Carmichael. Ed. J. Moore and M. Silverthorne. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002. |
Tusc. Disp. | Cicero. Tusculanae disputationes. |
Two Treatises | Locke, John. Two Treatises of Government. London, 1689. |