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The Author of this book had no inclination that it should be translated, as he wishes that all our students were much enured to the latin tongue, which for the two last centuries, (and in many preceeding, in such style as they had) was the common channel of communication among the Learned through all Europe. He was abundantly aware that such compends, wrote in the most succinct manner their authors could, and yet touching at a great variety of subjects, with hints of the principal topicks of reasoning, must appear very jejune and unpleasant to common readers: not to mention the unavoidable terms of art, which can scarce be turned into easy common language. But he found that the preventing a translation was impossible; as it <10a> was designed in London soon after the publication of the first edition. He therefor thought proper it should be rather done in Glasgow. The English reader must excuse the translator in the use of some few latin terms of art in the 2d and 3d books, and in the omission of a section or two relating solely to some latin ways of speaking in the civil law. He has sometimes inserted a short sentence, or added a note or two, to make some points clearer. He needs the readers indulgence too, if, in following the original pretty closely, he sometimes makes sentences too long, or not so smooth and easy as our native tongue would require.

Philosophiae Moralis Institutio Compendiaria, with A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy

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