Читать книгу Super Confidence: Simple Steps to Build Your Confidence - Gael Lindenfield, Gael Lindenfield - Страница 26



There is nothing like working through a confidence-building programme to find out who your true friends are! You have to find friends who want you to change and will encourage and support you.

Remember that if people ‘like you the way you are’ they must be getting some reward for themselves through your lack of confidence. Maybe you make them feel more powerful, maybe they stand a better chance of promotion, maybe they do not have to bother to change their behaviour if you are not complaining – or maybe they just get a ‘kick’ out of abusing you! You could have been told that your new behaviour is bossy, selfish, or unfeminine or unmanly. If you judge that it is not, and want to continue, you may have to choose new friends.

Super Confidence: Simple Steps to Build Your Confidence

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