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What Is Personality?


If you think about the various people in your life, you can probably come up with several different adjectives to describe their personalities—both positive and negative—including the ones below:

Common Personality Traits

Positive Negative
Bold Timid
Calm Short-tempered
Flexible Rigid
Funny Humorless
Generous Self-centered
Modest Arrogant
Outgoing Shy
Trustworthy Dishonest

Of course, a generally positive trait can convert to a negative one if it becomes too extreme. A flexible person may be willing to compromise and get along with others, but being too flexible could make one indecisive and afraid to take a stand. Outgoing people tend to attract many friends, but some outgoing individuals go too far and become intrusive.

For years, psychologists have grappled with categorizing the various personality styles and traits that people exhibit. Using a statistical method known as factor analysis, researchers found that the multitude of descriptors for personality fell into five major groups. These findings were corroborated when four independent teams of investigators, using different methods, confirmed that almost all known personality traits can be organized into the following “Big Five” categories: extraversion, openness, emotional stability, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Each person’s personality consists of a combination of traits within these groupings, and the qualities shared within each category follow common themes:

 • Extraversion. Extroverts are outgoing, have lots of energy, and tend to do well in social situations. You might describe them as assertive, bold, and talkative, but some may lack restraint and take unnecessary risks.

 • Openness. People who are open like adventure, seek novelty, and welcome challenges. They are creative, bright, and imaginative and enjoy intellectual stimulation.

 • Emotional stability. People who are emotionally stable are calm, relaxed, and self-confident. This personality trait is the antithesis of the moody, high-strung, and temperamental features of neuroticism.

 • Agreeableness. Agreeable people are friendly, sympathetic, and warm. They are pleasant to be around and are considerate of other people’s feelings. However, if someone is too agreeable, they may be taken advantage of.

 • Conscientiousness. Conscientious people are masters of self-control and efficiency. They tend to be neat and organized, and they are careful when making decisions. They can be counted on to get the job done, although too much conscientiousness can lead to obsessive-compulsive behaviors.


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