Читать книгу It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life - Greg Behrendt - Страница 26



Your happiness is the most important thing in this life. If you are not happy you are of no use to anyone else. Look, no one is happy all the time but if you are at least in the pursuit of happiness then that is what ultimately will make you appealing to the kind of man that not only wants to stick around but is also fun to be with. The point is you have to figure out how to be happy no matter what the cost and we can tell you right here and now that happiness won’t come from another person. It will come from the tiny victories and the big goals. And ultimately if you find happiness you may find that you don’t need a man in your life, or if you do find one he is simply an addition to a life well lived.

It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life

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