Читать книгу It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life - Greg Behrendt - Страница 42

The Original World Famous Winner Dater’s Workbook


It’s time for you to get a life—and if you already have one, it’s time to make it an even fuller and more kickass one. We are put here on this planet to explore and enjoy it, so let’s get you out into it and doing things so that next time you get asked out you’ll have to check your schedule for real.

Make a list of things that you want to do and start scheduling them regularly so that you are getting the most out of your life while this time is still yours alone to use. We’ll give you a few ideas to start but it’s up to you to think of more, then go do them regularly.

List 5 things you’d like to do weekly

1 Take a yoga class

2 Do the Sunday Crossword puzzle

3 Take the dog on a walk

List 5 things you’d like to do every other week

1 See a movie

2 Wander around Primark for half an hour

3 Have dinner with a friend

List 5 things you’d like to do monthly

1 Get your car washed

2 Try a new restaurant

3 Take a tennis lesson

It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life

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