Читать книгу It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life - Greg Behrendt - Страница 38



I like the chase. I always have, the more challenging the course the more rewarding the catch. I don’t care if it’s an antiquated thought. And I believe it to be true for most men. When I’ve told women this they always respond with, “Well I don’t want to come off like a bitch who doesn’t have time for the guy I like.” You don’t have to be a bitch about it. There is a nice way of letting someone know your life matters to you. If I look back the great loves of my life they were always women who were self-possessed, confident and goal-oriented. They were women who challenged me. I remember I dated a painter who when she was working on a painting wouldn’t see me until it was done. Sometimes that would take weeks. Weeks! If I were lucky she’d let me visit her at her bar-tending gig where she would make out with me for 10 minutes in the utility closet before sending me home. That’s it. But I was fascinated with her. So why didn’t it work with any of the other women? Because usually I’d end up giving my life away or being okay with seeing someone for only ten minutes a week in a utility closet. See, for a relationship to really work it has to be the coming together of two great very valued lives that over a period of time merge while staying true to who they are. It’s great when we fall in love with you, but it’s even better when we fall in love with your life as well.

It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life

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