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But What If I’m Happy To Give Up My Life?


Dear Greg,

When I like someone, I like them a lot. I can’t help the way I feel and I’m not going to deny myself all those great feelings when you like someone new and are completely inseparable. I’m happy to give up my life because what I get in return is worth the price. I’m guilty of smothering guys but I’ve been smothered too and it’s not the worst way to figure out that you’re not in the right thing. That’s how I roll and it just makes sense to me that when I find the right guy we’ll be all over each other and know we’re in the right place when neither of us gets tired or smothered. That sounds like paradise to me. Every relationship is a gamble and I’m a girl with a stack of chips and a taste for gambling. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Los Angeles, CA

Dear Smoking Aces,

Right on. Can’t wait until your book comes out. Sounds like you and the guys you attract have a lot going for you.

P.S. The next time you smother someone do it with a pillow, that way they’ll never go away.

It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life

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